along with other names that are ambiguous because they are properties of forms, reports, sections, tables, or global names and constants from the Application object and the DAO and VBA libraries. Use the Object Browser (F2 in the code window) to find out more about these names. (More than 600 further names beginning with acCmd... are not listed.)
Num | Bad Name | Reason identified |
1 | _Evaluate | Form method |
2 | _Name | Form method; Form Section method |
3 | A_ADD | Access constant (old) |
4 | A_ALL | Access constant (old) |
5 | A_ANYWHERE | Access constant (old) |
6 | A_ATTACH | Access constant (old) |
7 | A_COPY | Access constant (old) |
8 | A_CURRENT | Access constant (old) |
9 | A_CUT | Access constant (old) |
10 | A_DELETE | Access constant (old) |
11 | A_DELETE_V2 | Access constant (old) |
12 | A_DESIGN | Access constant (old) |
13 | A_Dialog | Access constant (old) |
14 | A_DOWN | Access constant (old) |
15 | A_DRAFT | Access constant (old) |
16 | A_EDIT | Access constant (old) |
17 | A_EDITMENU | Access constant (old) |
18 | A_ENTIRE | Access constant (old) |
19 | A_EXIT | Access constant (old) |
20 | A_EXPORT | Access constant (old) |
21 | A_EXPORTDELIM | Access constant (old) |
22 | A_EXPORTFIXED | Access constant (old) |
23 | A_EXPORTMERGE | Access constant (old) |
24 | A_FILE | Access constant (old) |
25 | A_FIRST | Access constant (old) |
26 | A_FORM | Access constant (old) |
27 | A_FORMATRTF | Access constant (old) |
28 | A_FORMATTXT | Access constant (old) |
29 | A_FORMATXLS | Access constant (old) |
30 | A_FORMBAR | Access constant (old) |
31 | A_FORMDS | Access constant (old) |
32 | A_GOTO | Access constant (old) |
33 | A_HIDDEN | Access constant (old) |
34 | A_HIGH | Access constant (old) |
35 | A_ICON | Access constant (old) |
36 | A_IMPORT | Access constant (old) |
37 | A_IMPORTDELIM | Access constant (old) |
38 | A_IMPORTFIXED | Access constant (old) |
39 | A_LAST | Access constant (old) |
40 | A_LOW | Access constant (old) |
41 | A_MACRO | Access constant (old) |
42 | A_MEDIUM | Access constant (old) |
43 | A_MENU_VER1X | Access constant (old) |
44 | A_MENU_VER20 | Access constant (old) |
45 | A_MODULE | Access constant (old) |
46 | A_NEW | Access constant (old) |
47 | A_NEWREC | Access constant (old) |
48 | A_NEXT | Access constant (old) |
49 | A_NORMAL | Access constant (old) |
50 | A_OBJECT | Access constant (old) |
51 | A_OBJECTUPDATE | Access constant (old) |
52 | A_OBJECTVERB | Access constant (old) |
53 | A_PAGES | Access constant (old) |
54 | A_PASTE | Access constant (old) |
55 | A_PREVIEW | Access constant (old) |
56 | A_PREVIOUS | Access constant (old) |
57 | A_PRINTALL | Access constant (old) |
58 | A_PROMPT | Access constant (old) |
59 | A_QUERY | Access constant (old) |
60 | A_READONLY | Access constant (old) |
61 | A_RECORDSMENU | Access constant (old) |
62 | A_REFRESH | Access constant (old) |
63 | A_REPORT | Access constant (old) |
64 | A_SAVE | Access constant (old) |
65 | A_SAVEFORM | Access constant (old) |
66 | A_SAVEFORMAS | Access constant (old) |
67 | A_SAVERECORD | Access constant (old) |
68 | A_SELECTALLRECORDS | Access constant (old) |
69 | A_SELECTALLRECORDS_V2 | Access constant (old) |
70 | A_SELECTION | Access constant (old) |
71 | A_SELECTRECORD | Access constant (old) |
72 | A_SELECTRECORD_V2 | Access constant (old) |
73 | A_START | Access constant (old) |
74 | A_TABLE | Access constant (old) |
75 | A_TOOLBAR_NO | Access constant (old) |
76 | A_TOOLBAR_WHERE_APPROP | Access constant (old) |
77 | A_TOOLBAR_YES | Access constant (old) |
78 | A_UNDO | Access constant (old) |
79 | A_UNDOFIELD | Access constant (old) |
80 | A_UP | Access constant (old) |
81 | Abs | VBA function |
82 | ABSOLUTE | JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) |
83 | acActiveDataObject | Access constant |
84 | acAdd | Access constant |
85 | acAddress | Access constant |
86 | acADP | Access constant |
87 | acAll | Access constant |
88 | acAltMask | Access constant |
89 | acAnywhere | Access constant |
90 | acAppendData | Access constant |
91 | acApplyFilter | Access constant |
92 | acApplyServerFilter | Access constant |
93 | acAttachment | Access constant |
94 | acBetween | Access constant |
95 | acBottom | Access constant |
96 | acBoundObjectFrame | Access constant |
97 | AccActivate | VBA function |
98 | accChild | Form property |
99 | accChildCount | Form property |
100 | accDefaultAction | Form property |
101 | accDescription | Form property |
102 | accDoDefaultAction | Form property |
103 | AccessError | Application Property |
104 | accFocus | Form property |
105 | acCheckBox | Access constant |
106 | accHelp | Form property |
107 | accHelpTopic | Form property |
108 | accHitTest | Form property |
109 | accKeyboardShortcut | Form property |
110 | acClassModule | Access constant |
111 | accLocation | Form property |
112 | acCloseFilterWindow | Access constant |
113 | acCloseServerFilterWindow | Access constant |
114 | acCmd* | More than 500 Access constants start with acCmd… |
115 | accName | Form property |
116 | accNavigate | Form property |
117 | acColorIndexAqua | Access constant |
118 | acColorIndexBlack | Access constant |
119 | acColorIndexBlue | Access constant |
120 | acColorIndexBrightGreen | Access constant |
121 | acColorIndexDarkBlue | Access constant |
122 | acColorIndexFuschia | Access constant |
123 | acColorIndexGray | Access constant |
124 | acColorIndexGreen | Access constant |
125 | acColorIndexMaroon | Access constant |
126 | acColorIndexOlive | Access constant |
127 | acColorIndexRed | Access constant |
128 | acColorIndexSilver | Access constant |
129 | acColorIndexTeal | Access constant |
130 | acColorIndexViolet | Access constant |
131 | acColorIndexWhite | Access constant |
132 | acColorIndexYellow | Access constant |
133 | acComboBox | Access constant |
134 | acCommandButton | Access constant |
135 | acCopy | Access constant |
136 | accParent | Form property |
137 | accRole | Form property |
138 | accSelect | Form method |
139 | accSelection | Form property |
140 | accState | Form property |
141 | acCtrlMask | Access constant |
142 | acCurrent | Access constant |
143 | acCursorOnHoverDefault | Access constant |
144 | acCursorOnHoverHyperlinkHand | Access constant |
145 | acCurViewDatasheet | Access constant |
146 | acCurViewDesign | Access constant |
147 | acCurViewFormBrowse | Access constant |
148 | acCurViewLayout | Access constant |
149 | acCurViewPivotChart | Access constant |
150 | acCurViewPivotTable | Access constant |
151 | acCurViewPreview | Access constant |
152 | acCurViewReportBrowse | Access constant |
153 | acCustomControl | Access constant |
154 | acCut | Access constant |
155 | accValue | Form property |
156 | acDataAccessPage | Access constant |
157 | acDataAccessPageBrowse | Access constant |
158 | acDataAccessPageDesign | Access constant |
159 | acDataErrAdded | Access constant |
160 | acDataErrContinue | Access constant |
161 | acDataErrDisplay | Access constant |
162 | acDataForm | Access constant |
163 | acDataFunction | Access constant |
164 | acDataQuery | Access constant |
165 | acDataReport | Access constant |
166 | acDataServerView | Access constant |
167 | acDatasheetAllowEdits | Access constant |
168 | acDatasheetOnBottom | Access constant |
169 | acDatasheetOnLeft | Access constant |
170 | acDatasheetOnRight | Access constant |
171 | acDatasheetOnTop | Access constant |
172 | acDatasheetReadOnly | Access constant |
173 | acDataStoredProcedure | Access constant |
174 | acDataTable | Access constant |
175 | acDefault | Access constant |
176 | acDefViewContinuous | Access constant |
177 | acDefViewDatasheet | Access constant |
178 | acDefViewPivotChart | Access constant |
179 | acDefViewPivotTalbe | Access constant |
180 | acDefViewPreview | Access constant |
181 | acDefViewReportBrowse | Access constant |
182 | acDefViewSingle | Access constant |
183 | acDefViewSplitForm | Access constant |
184 | acDelete | Access constant |
185 | acDeleteCancel | Access constant |
186 | acDeleteOk | Access constant |
187 | acDeleteUserCancel | Access constant |
188 | acDesign | Access constant |
189 | acDetail | Access constant |
190 | acDiagram | Access constant |
191 | acDialog | Access constant |
192 | acDisableScript | Access constant |
193 | acDisplayAsHyperlinkAlways | Access constant |
194 | acDisplayAsHyperlinkIfHyperlink | Access constant |
195 | acDisplayAsHyperlinkOnScreenOnly | Access constant |
196 | acDisplayAsIcon | Access constant |
197 | acDisplayAsImageIcon | Access constant |
198 | acDisplayAsPaperclip | Access constant |
199 | acDisplayedValue | Access constant |
200 | acDisplayText | Access constant |
201 | acDown | Access constant |
202 | acDraft | Access constant |
203 | acEdit | Access constant |
204 | acEditMenu | Access constant |
205 | acEffectChisel | Access constant |
206 | acEffectEtched | Access constant |
207 | acEffectNormal | Access constant |
208 | acEffectRaised | Access constant |
209 | acEffectShadow | Access constant |
210 | acEffectSunken | Access constant |
211 | acEmbedSchema | Access constant |
212 | acEnableScript | Access constant |
213 | acEntire | Access constant |
214 | acEqual | Access constant |
215 | acExcludePrimaryKeyAndIndexes | Access constant |
216 | acExit | Access constant |
217 | acExport | Access constant |
218 | acExportAllTableAndFieldProperties | Access constant |
219 | acExportDelim | Access constant |
220 | acExportFixed | Access constant |
221 | acExportForm | Access constant |
222 | acExportFunction | Access constant |
223 | acExportHTML | Access constant |
224 | acExportMerge | Access constant |
225 | acExportQualiltyPrint | Access constant |
226 | acExportQualiltyScreen | Access constant |
227 | acExportQuery | Access constant |
228 | acExportReport | Access constant |
229 | acExportServerView | Access constant |
230 | acExportStoredProcedure | Access constant |
231 | acExportTable | Access constant |
232 | acExpression | Access constant |
233 | acFieldHasFocus | Access constant |
234 | acFieldValue | Access constant |
235 | acFile | Access constant |
236 | acFileFormatAccess2 | Access constant |
237 | acFileFormatAccess2000 | Access constant |
238 | acFileFormatAccess2002 | Access constant |
239 | acFileFormatAccess2007 | Access constant |
240 | acFileFormatAccess95 | Access constant |
241 | acFileFormatAccess97 | Access constant |
242 | acFilterAdvanced | Access constant |
243 | acFilterByForm | Access constant |
244 | acFilterNormal | Access constant |
245 | acFirst | Access constant |
246 | acFooter | Access constant |
247 | acForm | Access constant |
248 | acFormAdd | Access constant |
249 | acFormatASP | Access constant |
250 | acFormatDAP | Access constant |
251 | acFormatHTML | Access constant |
252 | acFormatIIS | Access constant |
253 | acFormatPDF | Access constant |
254 | acFormatRTF | Access constant |
255 | acFormatSNP | Access constant |
256 | acFormatTXT | Access constant |
257 | acFormatXLS | Access constant |
258 | acFormatXLSB | Access constant |
259 | acFormatXLSX | Access constant |
260 | acFormatXPS | Access constant |
261 | acFormBar | Access constant |
262 | acFormDS | Access constant |
263 | acFormEdit | Access constant |
264 | acFormOnly | Access constant |
265 | acFormPivotChart | Access constant |
266 | acFormPivotTable | Access constant |
267 | acFormPropertySettings | Access constant |
268 | acFormReadOnly | Access constant |
269 | acFullAddress | Access constant |
270 | acFunction | Access constant |
271 | acGeneral | Access constant |
272 | acGoTo | Access constant |
273 | acGreaterThan | Access constant |
274 | acGreaterThanOrEqual | Access constant |
275 | acGridlinesBoth | Access constant |
276 | acGridlinesBothV2 | Access constant |
277 | acGridlinesHoriz | Access constant |
278 | acGridlinesNone | Access constant |
279 | acGridlinesVert | Access constant |
280 | acGridOnly | Access constant |
281 | acGroupLevel1Footer | Access constant |
282 | acGroupLevel1Header | Access constant |
283 | acGroupLevel2Footer | Access constant |
284 | acGroupLevel2Header | Access constant |
285 | acHeader | Access constant |
286 | acHidden | Access constant |
287 | acHiddenCurrentPage | Report property |
288 | acHigh | Access constant |
289 | acHorizontalAnchorBoth | Access constant |
290 | acHorizontalAnchorLeft | Access constant |
291 | acHorizontalAnchorRight | Access constant |
292 | acIcon | Access constant |
293 | acImage | Access constant |
294 | acImeModeAlpha | Access constant |
295 | acImeModeAlphaFull | Access constant |
296 | acImeModeDisable | Access constant |
297 | acImeModeHangul | Access constant |
298 | acImeModeHangulFull | Access constant |
299 | acImeModeHiragana | Access constant |
300 | acImeModeKatakana | Access constant |
301 | acImeModeKatakanaHalf | Access constant |
302 | acImeModeNoControl | Access constant |
303 | acImeModeOff | Access constant |
304 | acImeModeOn | Access constant |
305 | acImeSentenceModeConversation | Access constant |
306 | acImeSentenceModeNone | Access constant |
307 | acImeSentenceModePhrasePredict | Access constant |
308 | acImeSentenceModePluralClause | Access constant |
309 | acImport | Access constant |
310 | acImportDelim | Access constant |
311 | acImportFixed | Access constant |
312 | acImportHTML | Access constant |
313 | acImportShartPointList | Access constant |
314 | acLabel | Access constant |
315 | acLast | Access constant |
316 | acLayout | Access constant |
317 | acLayoutNone | Access constant |
318 | acLayoutStacked | Access constant |
319 | acLayoutTabular | Access constant |
320 | acLBClose | Access constant |
321 | acLBEnd | Access constant |
322 | acLBGetColumnCount | Access constant |
323 | acLBGetColumnWidth | Access constant |
324 | acLBGetFormat | Access constant |
325 | acLBGetRowCount | Access constant |
326 | acLBGetValue | Access constant |
327 | acLBInitialize | Access constant |
328 | acLBOpen | Access constant |
329 | acLeft | Access constant |
330 | acLeftButton | Access constant |
331 | acLessThan | Access constant |
332 | acLessThanOrEqual | Access constant |
333 | acLine | Access constant |
334 | acLink | Access constant |
335 | acLinkDelim | Access constant |
336 | acLinkFixed | Access constant |
337 | acLinkHTML | Access constant |
338 | acLinkShartPointList | Access constant |
339 | acListBox | Access constant |
340 | acLiveReportSource | Access constant |
341 | acLow | Access constant |
342 | acMacro | Access constant |
343 | acMDB | Access constant |
344 | acMedium | Access constant |
345 | acMenuCheck | Access constant |
346 | acMenuGray | Access constant |
347 | acMenuUncheck | Access constant |
348 | acMenuUngray | Access constant |
349 | acMenuVer1X | Access constant |
350 | acMenuVer20 | Access constant |
351 | acMenuVer70 | Access constant |
352 | acMiddleButton | Access constant |
353 | acModule | Access constant |
354 | acNew | Access constant |
355 | acNewDatabaseFormatAccess2000 | Access constant |
356 | acNewDatabaseFormatAccess2002 | Access constant |
357 | acNewDatabaseFormatAccess2007 | Access constant |
358 | acNewDatabaseFormatUserDefault | Access constant |
359 | acNewRec | Access constant |
360 | acNext | Access constant |
361 | acNoPictureCaption | Access constant |
362 | acNormal | Access constant |
363 | acNotBetween | Access constant |
364 | acNotEqual | Access constant |
365 | acNull | Access constant |
366 | acObject | Access constant |
367 | acObjectFrame | Access constant |
368 | acObjectUpdate | Access constant |
369 | acObjectVerb | Access constant |
370 | acObjStateDirty | Access constant |
371 | acObjStateNew | Access constant |
372 | acObjStateOpen | Access constant |
373 | acOLEActivate | Access constant |
374 | acOLEActivateDoubleClick | Access constant |
375 | acOLEActivateGetFocus | Access constant |
376 | acOLEActivateManual | Access constant |
377 | acOLEChanged | Access constant |
378 | acOLEClose | Access constant |
379 | acOLEClosed | Access constant |
380 | acOLECopy | Access constant |
381 | acOLECreateEmbed | Access constant |
382 | acOLECreateFromFile | Access constant |
383 | acOLECreateLink | Access constant |
384 | acOLECreateNew | Access constant |
385 | acOLEDelete | Access constant |
386 | acOLEDisplayContent | Access constant |
387 | acOLEDisplayIcon | Access constant |
388 | acOLEEither | Access constant |
389 | acOLEEmbedded | Access constant |
390 | acOLEFetchVerbs | Access constant |
391 | acOLEInsertObjDlg | Access constant |
392 | acOLELinked | Access constant |
393 | acOLENone | Access constant |
394 | acOLEPaste | Access constant |
395 | acOLEPasteSpecialDlg | Access constant |
396 | acOLERenamed | Access constant |
397 | acOLESaved | Access constant |
398 | acOLESizeAutoSize | Access constant |
399 | acOLESizeClip | Access constant |
400 | acOLESizeStretch | Access constant |
401 | acOLESizeZoom | Access constant |
402 | acOLEUpate | Access constant |
403 | acOLEUpateAutomatic | Access constant |
404 | acOLEUpdateFrozen | Access constant |
405 | acOLEUpdateManual | Access constant |
406 | acOLEVerbHide | Access constant |
407 | acOLEVerbInPlaceActivate | Access constant |
408 | acOLEVerbInPlaceUIActivate | Access constant |
409 | acOLEVerbOpen | Access constant |
410 | acOLEVerbPrimary | Access constant |
411 | acOLEVerbShow | Access constant |
412 | acOptionButton | Access constant |
413 | acOptionGroup | Access constant |
414 | acOutputDataAccessPage | Access constant |
415 | acOutputForm | Access constant |
416 | acOutputFunction | Access constant |
417 | acOutputModule | Access constant |
418 | acOutputQuery | Access constant |
419 | acOutputReport | Access constant |
420 | acOutputServerView | Access constant |
421 | acOutputStoredProcedure | Access constant |
422 | acOutputTable | Access constant |
423 | acPage | Access constant |
424 | acPageBreak | Access constant |
425 | acPageFooter | Access constant |
426 | acPageHeader | Access constant |
427 | acPages | Access constant |
428 | acPaste | Access constant |
429 | acPersistReportML | Access constant |
430 | acPRBNAuto | Access constant |
431 | acPRBNCassette | Access constant |
432 | acPRBNEnvelope | Access constant |
433 | acPRBNEnvManual | Access constant |
434 | acPRBNFormSource | Access constant |
435 | acPRBNLargeCapacity | Access constant |
436 | acPRBNLargeFmt | Access constant |
437 | acPRBNLower | Access constant |
438 | acPRBNManual | Access constant |
439 | acPRBNMiddle | Access constant |
440 | acPRBNSmallFmt | Access constant |
441 | acPRBNTractor | Access constant |
442 | acPRBNUpper | Access constant |
443 | acPRCMColor | Access constant |
444 | acPRCMMonochrome | Access constant |
445 | acPRDPHorizontal | Access constant |
446 | acPRDPSimplex | Access constant |
447 | acPRDPVertical | Access constant |
448 | acPreview | Access constant |
449 | acPrevious | Access constant |
450 | acPRHorizontalColumnLayout | Access constant |
451 | acPrintAll | Access constant |
452 | acPrompt | Access constant |
453 | acPromptScript | Access constant |
454 | acPropCatData | Access constant |
455 | acPropCatEvent | Access constant |
456 | acPropCatLayout | Access constant |
457 | acPropCatNA | Access constant |
458 | acPropCatOther | Access constant |
459 | acPropertyBackColor | Access constant |
460 | acPropertyCaption | Access constant |
461 | acPropertyEnabled | Access constant |
462 | acPropertyForeColor | Access constant |
463 | acPropertyHeight | Access constant |
464 | acPropertyLeft | Access constant |
465 | acPropertyLocked | Access constant |
466 | acPropertyTop | Access constant |
467 | acPropertyVisible | Access constant |
468 | acPropertyWidth | Access constant |
469 | acPRORLandscape | Access constant |
470 | acPRORPortrait | Access constant |
471 | acPRPQDraft | Access constant |
472 | acPRPQHigh | Access constant |
473 | acPRPQLow | Access constant |
474 | acPRPQMedium | Access constant |
475 | acPRPS10x14 | Access constant |
476 | acPRPS11x17 | Access constant |
477 | acPRPSA3 | Access constant |
478 | acPRPSA4 | Access constant |
479 | acPRPSA4Small | Access constant |
480 | acPRPSA5 | Access constant |
481 | acPRPSB4 | Access constant |
482 | acPRPSB5 | Access constant |
483 | acPRPSCSheet | Access constant |
484 | acPRPSDSheet | Access constant |
485 | acPRPSEnv10 | Access constant |
486 | acPRPSEnv11 | Access constant |
487 | acPRPSEnv12 | Access constant |
488 | acPRPSEnv14 | Access constant |
489 | acPRPSEnv9 | Access constant |
490 | acPRPSEnvB4 | Access constant |
491 | acPRPSEnvB5 | Access constant |
492 | acPRPSEnvB6 | Access constant |
493 | acPRPSEnvC3 | Access constant |
494 | acPRPSEnvC4 | Access constant |
495 | acPRPSEnvC5 | Access constant |
496 | acPRPSEnvC6 | Access constant |
497 | acPRPSEnvC65 | Access constant |
498 | acPRPSEnvDL | Access constant |
499 | acPRPSEnvItaly | Access constant |
500 | acPRPSEnvMonarch | Access constant |
501 | acPRPSEnvPersonal | Access constant |
502 | acPRPSESheet | Access constant |
503 | acPRPSExecutive | Access constant |
504 | acPRPSFanfoldLglGerman | Access constant |
505 | acPRPSFanfoldStdGerman | Access constant |
506 | acPRPSFanfoldUS | Access constant |
507 | acPRPSFolio | Access constant |
508 | acPRPSLedger | Access constant |
509 | acPRPSLegal | Access constant |
510 | acPRPSLetter | Access constant |
511 | acPRPSLetterSmall | Access constant |
512 | acPRPSNote | Access constant |
513 | acPRPSQuarto | Access constant |
514 | acPRPSStatement | Access constant |
515 | acPRPSTabloid | Access constant |
516 | acPRPSUser | Access constant |
517 | acPRVerticalColumnLayout | Access constant |
518 | acQuery | Access constant |
519 | acQuitPrompt | Access constant |
520 | acQuitSaveAll | Access constant |
521 | acQuitSaveNone | Access constant |
522 | acReadOnly | Access constant |
523 | acRecordsMenu | Access constant |
524 | acRectangle | Access constant |
525 | acRefresh | Access constant |
526 | acReport | Access constant |
527 | acRight | Access constant |
528 | acRightButton | Access constant |
529 | acRunFromServer | Access constant |
530 | acSave | Access constant |
531 | acSaveForm | Access constant |
532 | acSaveFormAs | Access constant |
533 | acSaveNo | Access constant |
534 | acSavePrompt | Access constant |
535 | acSaveRecord | Access constant |
536 | acSaveYes | Access constant |
537 | acSchemaNone | Access constant |
538 | acSchemaXSD | Access constant |
539 | acScreenTip | Access constant |
540 | acSearchAll | Access constant |
541 | acSecFrmRptExecute | Access constant |
542 | acSecFrmRptReadDef | Access constant |
543 | acSecFrmRptWriteDef | Access constant |
544 | acSecMacExecute | Access constant |
545 | acSecMacReadDef | Access constant |
546 | acSecMacWriteDef | Access constant |
547 | acSecModReadDef | Access constant |
548 | acSecModWriteDef | Access constant |
549 | acSelectAllRecords | Access constant |
550 | acSelection | Access constant |
551 | acSelectRecord | Access constant |
552 | acSendDataAccessPage | Access constant |
553 | acSendForm | Access constant |
554 | acSendModule | Access constant |
555 | acSendNoObject | Access constant |
556 | acSendQuery | Access constant |
557 | acSendReport | Access constant |
558 | acSendTable | Access constant |
559 | acSeparatorCharactersComma | Access constant |
560 | acSeparatorCharactersNewLine | Access constant |
561 | acSeparatorCharactersSemiColon | Access constant |
562 | acSeparatorCharactersSystemSeparator | Access constant |
563 | acServerFilter | Access constant |
564 | acServerFilterByForm | Access constant |
565 | acServerView | Access constant |
566 | acShiftMask | Access constant |
567 | acShowAllRecords | Access constant |
568 | acSpreadsheetTypeExcel12 | Access constant |
569 | acSpreadsheetTypeExcel12Xml | Access constant |
570 | acSpreadsheetTypeExcel3 | Access constant |
571 | acSpreadsheetTypeExcel4 | Access constant |
572 | acSpreadsheetTypeExcel5 | Access constant |
573 | acSpreadsheetTypeExcel7 | Access constant |
574 | acSpreadsheetTypeExcel8 | Access constant |
575 | acSpreadsheetTypeExcel9 | Access constant |
576 | acSpreadsheetTypeExcel97 | Access constant |
577 | acSpreadsheetTypeLotusWJ2 | Access constant |
578 | acSpreadsheetTypeLotusWK1 | Access constant |
579 | acSpreadsheetTypeLotusWK3 | Access constant |
580 | acSpreadsheetTypeLotusWK4 | Access constant |
581 | acStandardModule | Access constant |
582 | acStart | Access constant |
583 | acStoredProcedure | Access constant |
584 | acStructureAndData | Access constant |
585 | acStructureOnly | Access constant |
586 | acSubAddress | Access constant |
587 | acSubform | Access constant |
588 | acSysCmdAccessDir | Access constant |
589 | acSysCmdAccessVer | Access constant |
590 | acSysCmdClearHelpTopic | Access constant |
591 | acSysCmdClearStatus | Access constant |
592 | acSysCmdGetIniFile | Access constant |
593 | acSysCmdGetObjectState | Access constant |
594 | acSysCmdGetWorkgroupFile | Access constant |
595 | acSysCmdInitMeter | Access constant |
596 | acSysCmdProfile | Access constant |
597 | acSysCmdRemoveMeter | Access constant |
598 | acSysCmdRuntime | Access constant |
599 | acSysCmdSetStatus | Access constant |
600 | acSysCmdUpateMeter | Access constant |
601 | acTabCtl | Access constant |
602 | acTable | Access constant |
603 | acTextBox | Access constant |
604 | acTextFormatHTMLRichText | Access constant |
605 | acTextFormatPlain | Access constant |
606 | ACTION | JET reserved (kb248738) |
607 | Activate | Form method; Report method |
608 | ActiveControl | Form property; Report property |
609 | acToggleButton | Access constant |
610 | acToolbarNo | Access constant |
611 | acToolbarWhereApprop | Access constant |
612 | acToolbarYes | Access constant |
613 | acTop | Access constant |
614 | acUndo | Access constant |
615 | acUp | Access constant |
616 | acUTF16 | Access constant |
617 | acUTF8 | Access constant |
618 | acVerticalAnchorBoth | Access constant |
619 | acVerticalAnchorBottom | Access constant |
620 | acVerticalAnchorTop | Access constant |
621 | acViewDesign | Access constant |
622 | acViewLayout | Access constant |
623 | acViewNormal | Access constant |
624 | acViewPivotChart | Access constant |
625 | acViewPivotTable | Access constant |
626 | acViewPreview | Access constant |
627 | acViewReport | Access constant |
628 | acWindowNormal | Access constant |
629 | ADA | ODBC (kb125948) |
630 | ADD | JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948) |
631 | AddAutoCorrect | Application Property |
632 | AddToFavorites | Application Property |
633 | ADMIN | Future SQL Server keyword (TSQL Ref in MSDN) |
634 | ADMINDB | JET reserved (kb248738) |
635 | ADOConnectString | Application Property |
636 | AFTER | Future SQL Server keyword (TSQL Ref in MSDN) |
637 | AfterDelConfirm | Form property |
638 | AfterDelConfirmEmMacro | Form property |
639 | AfterDelConfirmMacro | Form Property |
640 | AfterFinalRender | Form property |
641 | AfterFinalRenderEmMacro | Form property |
642 | AfterFinalRenderMacro | Form Property |
643 | AfterInsert | Form property |
644 | AfterInsertEmMacro | Form property |
645 | AfterInsertMacro | Form Property |
646 | AfterLayout | Form property |
647 | AfterLayoutEmMacro | Form property |
648 | AfterLayoutMacro | Form Property |
649 | AfterRender | Form property |
650 | AfterRenderEmMacro | Form property |
651 | AfterRenderMacro | Form Property |
652 | AfterUpdate | Form property |
653 | AfterUpdateEmMacro | Form property |
654 | AfterUpdateMacro | Form Property |
655 | AGGREGATE | Future SQL Server keyword (TSQL Ref in MSDN) |
656 | AggregateType | Field property |
657 | ALIAS | Future SQL Server keyword (TSQL Ref in MSDN) |
658 | ALL | JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948) |
659 | ALLOCATE | JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) |
660 | AllowAdditions | Form property |
661 | AllowDatasheetView | Form property |
662 | AllowDeletions | Form property |
663 | AllowDesignChanges | Form property |
664 | AllowEditing | Form property |
665 | AllowEdits | Form property |
666 | AllowFilters | Form property |
667 | AllowFormView | Form property |
668 | AllowLayoutView | Form property |
669 | AllowMultipleValues | Field property |
670 | AllowPivotChartView | Form property |
671 | AllowPivotTableView | Form property |
672 | AllowReportView | Report property |
673 | AllowUpdating | Form property |
674 | AllowValueListEdits | Field property |
675 | AllowZeroLength | Field property |
676 | ALPHANUMERIC | JET reserved (kb248738) |
677 | ALT_MASK | Access constant (old) |
678 | ALTER | JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948) |
679 | AlternateBackColor | Form Section property |
680 | AlternateBackShade | Form property; Report property; Table property |
681 | AlternateBackThemeColorIndex | Form property; Report property; Table property |
682 | AlternateBackTint | Form property; Report property; Table property |
683 | AND | JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948) |
684 | AnswerWizard | Application Property |
685 | ANY | JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948) |
686 | AppendOnly | Field property |
687 | AppImages | Reserved for web databases |
688 | Application | Access reserved (kb286335) |
689 | AppLoadString | Application Property |
690 | ApplyFilter | Form method |
691 | ARE | JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) |
692 | Array | VBA function |
693 | AS | JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948) |
694 | ASC | JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948) |
695 | AscB | VBA function |
696 | AscW | VBA function |
697 | ASSERTION | JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948) |
698 | Assistance | Application Property |
699 | Assistant | Access reserved (kb286335) |
700 | AT | JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) |
701 | Atn | VBA function |
702 | Attributes | Table property; Field property |
703 | AUTHORIZATION | JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948) |
704 | AutoCenter | Form property; Report property |
705 | AutoCorrect | Application Property |
706 | AutoHeight | Form Section property |
707 | AUTOINCREMENT | JET reserved (kb248738) |
708 | AutomationSecurity | Application Property |
709 | AutoResize | Form property; Report property |
710 | AVG | JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948) |
711 | BackColor | Form Section property; Report Section property |
712 | BackShade | Form property; Report property; Table property |
713 | BackThemeColorIndex | Form property; Report property |
714 | BackTint | Form property; Report property; Table property |
715 | BACKUP | SQL Server reserved |
716 | BAND | JET reserved (kb248738) |
717 | BatchUpdates | Form property |
718 | Beep | VBA function |
719 | BEFORE | Future SQL Server keyword (TSQL Ref in MSDN) |
720 | BeforeBeginTransaction | Form property |
721 | BeforeBeginTransactionEmMacro | Form property |
722 | BeforeBeginTransactionMacro | Form property |
723 | BeforeCommitTransaction | Form property |
724 | BeforeCommitTransactionEmMacro | Form property |
725 | BeforeCommitTransactionMacro | Form property |
726 | BeforeDelConfirm | Form property |
727 | BeforeDelConfirmEmMacro | Form property |
728 | BeforeDelConfirmMacro | Form Property |
729 | BeforeInsert | Form property |
730 | BeforeInsertEmMacro | Form property |
731 | BeforeInsertMacro | Form Property |
732 | BeforeQuery | Form property |
733 | BeforeQueryEmMacro | Form property |
734 | BeforeQueryMacro | Form Property |
735 | BeforeRender | Form property |
736 | BeforeRenderEmMacro | Form property |
737 | BeforeRenderMacro | Form Property |
738 | BeforeScreenTip | Form property |
739 | BeforeScreenTipEmMacro | Form property |
740 | BeforeScreenTipMacro | Form Property |
741 | BeforeUpdate | Form property |
742 | BeforeUpdateEmMacro | Form property |
743 | BeforeUpdateMacro | Form Property |
744 | BEGIN | JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948) |
745 | BeginBatchEdit | Form property |
746 | BeginBatchEditEmMacro | Form property |
747 | BeginBatchEditMacro | Form property |
748 | BeginTrans | DAO global |
749 | BeginUndoable | Application Property |
750 | BETWEEN | JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948) |
751 | BINARY | JET reserved (kb248738) |
752 | BIT | JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948) |
753 | BIT_LENGTH | JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) |
754 | BLOB | Future SQL Server keyword (TSQL Ref in MSDN) |
755 | BNOT | JET reserved (kb248738) |
756 | BOOLEAN | Access reserved (kb286335) |
757 | BOR | JET reserved (kb248738) |
758 | BorderShade | Form property; Report property |
759 | BorderStyle | Form property; Report property |
760 | BorderThemeColorIndex | Form property; Report property |
761 | BorderTint | Form property; Report property |
762 | BOTH | JET reserved (kb248738);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) |
763 | BoundColumn | Field property |
764 | BREADTH | Future SQL Server keyword (TSQL Ref in MSDN) |
765 | BREAK | SQL Server reserved |
766 | BrokenReference | Application Property |
767 | BROWSE | SQL Server reserved |
768 | Build | Application Property |
769 | BuildCriteria | Application Property |
770 | BuilderString | Application Property |
771 | BULK | SQL Server reserved |
772 | BXOR | JET reserved (kb248738) |
773 | BY | JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948) |
774 | BYTE | JET reserved (kb248738) |
775 | C1 | Generates runtimes error 3103 |
776 | CacheSize | Query property |
777 | Calendar | VBA property |
778 | CALL | Future SQL Server keyword (TSQL Ref in MSDN) |
779 | CallByName | VBA function |
780 | CanGrow | Form Section property; Report Section property |
781 | CanShrink | Form Section property; Report Section property |
782 | Caption | Form property; Report property; Field property |
783 | CASCADE | JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948) |
784 | CASCADED | JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) |
785 | CASE | JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948) |
786 | CAST | JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) |
787 | CATALOG | JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) |
788 | CBool | VBA function |
789 | CByte | VBA function |
790 | CCur | VBA function |
791 | CDate | VBA function |
792 | CDbl | VBA function |
793 | CDec | VBA function |
794 | CHAR | JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948) |
795 | CHAR_LENGTH | JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) |
796 | CHARACTER | JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948) |
797 | CHARACTER_LENGTH | JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) |
798 | ChDir | VBA function |
799 | ChDrive | VBA function |
800 | CHECK | JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948) |
801 | CHECKPOINT | SQL Server reserved |
802 | Choose | VBA function |
803 | Chr | VBA function |
804 | Chr$ | VBA function |
805 | ChrB | VBA function |
806 | ChrB$ | VBA function |
807 | ChrW | VBA function |
808 | ChrW$ | VBA function |
809 | CInt | VBA function |
810 | Circle | Report method |
811 | CLASS | Future SQL Server keyword (TSQL Ref in MSDN) |
812 | Click | Form method; Form Section method; Report property; Report Section property |
813 | CLng | VBA function |
814 | CLOB | Future SQL Server keyword (TSQL Ref in MSDN) |
815 | CLOSE | JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) |
816 | CloseButton | Form property; Report property |
817 | CloseContextObject | Application property |
818 | CloseCurrentDatabase | Application Property |
819 | CLUSTERED | SQL Server reserved |
820 | COALESCE | JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) |
821 | COBOL | ODBC (kb125948) |
822 | CodeContextObject | Application Property |
823 | CodeData | Application Property |
824 | CodeDb | Application Property |
825 | CodeProject | Application Property |
826 | COLLATE | JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) |
827 | CollatingOrder | Field property |
828 | COLLATION | JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) |
829 | COLUMN | JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948) |
830 | ColumnCount | Field property |
831 | ColumnHeads | Field property |
832 | ColumnHidden | Field property |
833 | ColumnHistory | Application Property |
834 | ColumnOrder | Field property |
835 | ColumnWidth | Field property |
836 | ColumnWidths | Field property |
837 | COMAddIns | Application Property |
838 | COMMAddIns | Application Property |
839 | Command | VBA function |
840 | Command$ | VBA function |
841 | CommandBars | Application Property |
842 | CommandBeforeExecute | Form property |
843 | CommandBeforeExecuteEmMacro | Form property |
844 | CommandBeforeExecuteMacro | Form Property |
845 | CommandChecked | Form property |
846 | CommandCheckedEmMacro | Form property |
847 | CommandCheckedMacro | Form Property |
848 | CommandEnabled | Form property |
849 | CommandEnabledEmMacro | Form property |
850 | CommandEnabledMacro | Form Property |
851 | CommandExecute | Form property |
852 | CommandExecuteEmMacro | Form property |
853 | CommandExecuteMacro | Form Property |
854 | ComMd | Reserved for web databases |
855 | COMMIT | JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948) |
856 | CommitTrans | DAO global |
857 | COMP | JET reserved (kb248738) |
858 | CompactDatabase | Access reserved (kb286335) |
859 | CompactRepair | Application Property |
860 | COMPLETION | Future SQL Server keyword (TSQL Ref in MSDN) |
861 | COMPRESSION | JET reserved (kb248738) |
862 | COMPUTE | SQL Server reserved |
863 | ConflictTable | Table property |
864 | CONNECT | JET reserved word; Table property;ODBC (kb125948) |
865 | CONNECTION | JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) |
866 | CONSTRAINT | JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948) |
867 | CONSTRAINTS | JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948) |
868 | CONSTRUCTOR | Future SQL Server keyword (TSQL Ref in MSDN) |
869 | CONTAINER | JET reserved (kb248738) |
870 | CONTAINS | SQL Server reserved |
871 | CONTAINSTABLE | SQL Server reserved |
872 | CONTINUE | JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) |
873 | ControlBox | Form property; Report property |
874 | Controls | Form collection; Report collection |
875 | CONVERT | JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948) |
876 | ConvertAccessProject | Application Property |
877 | CORRESPONDING | JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) |
878 | Cos | VBA function |
879 | COUNT | JET reserved word; Form property; Report property;ODBC (kb125948) |
880 | COUNTER | JET reserved (kb248738) |
881 | CREATE | JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948);SQL Server reserved |
882 | CreateAccessProject | Application Property |
883 | CreateAdditionalData | Application Property |
884 | CreateControl | Application Property |
885 | CreateControlEx | Application Property |
886 | CreateControlExOld | Application Property |
887 | CreateControlOld | Application Property |
888 | CreateDataAccessPage | Application Property |
889 | CreateDatabase | Access reserved (kb286335) |
890 | CREATEDB | JET reserved (kb248738) |
891 | CreateField | Access reserved (kb286335) |
892 | CreateForm | Application Property |
893 | CreateGropuLevel | Application Property |
894 | CreateGroup | Access reserved (kb286335) |
895 | CreateGroupLevel | Application Property |
896 | CreateIndex | Access reserved (kb286335) |
897 | CreateNewWorkgroupFile | Application Property |
898 | CreateObject | Access reserved (kb286335) |
899 | CreateProperty | Access reserved (kb286335) |
900 | CreateRelation | Access reserved (kb286335) |
901 | CreateReport | Application Property |
902 | CreateReportControl | Application Property |
903 | CreateReportControlEx | Application Property |
904 | CreateReportControlExOld | Application Property |
905 | CreateReportControlOld | Application Property |
906 | CreateTableDef | Access reserved (kb286335) |
907 | CreateUser | Access reserved (kb286335) |
908 | CreateWorkspace | Access reserved (kb286335) |
909 | CROSS | JET reserved (kb248738);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417);SQL Server reserved |
910 | CSng | VBA function |
911 | CStr | VBA function |
912 | CTRL_MASK | Access constant (old) |
913 | CUBE | Future SQL Server keyword (TSQL Ref in MSDN) |
914 | CurDir | VBA function |
915 | CurDir$ | VBA function |
916 | CURRENCY | JET reserved (kb248738) |
917 | CurrencyLCID | Field property |
918 | CURRENT | JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) |
919 | CURRENT_DATE | JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) |
920 | CURRENT_PATH | Future SQL Server keyword (TSQL Ref in MSDN) |
921 | CURRENT_ROLE | Future SQL Server keyword (TSQL Ref in MSDN) |
922 | CURRENT_TIME | JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) |
923 | CURRENT_TIMESTAMP | JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) |
924 | CURRENT_USER | JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) |
925 | CurrentData | Application Property |
926 | CurrentDb | Application Property |
927 | CurrentObjectName | Application Property |
928 | CurrentObjectType | Application Property |
929 | CurrentProject | Application Property |
930 | CurrentRecord | Report property |
931 | CurrentSectionLeft | Form property |
932 | CurrentSectionTop | Form property |
933 | CURRENT-TIME | ODBC (kb125948) |
934 | CurrentUser | Access reserved (kb286335) |
935 | CurrentView | Form property |
936 | CurrentWebUser | Application property |
937 | CurrentWebUserGroups | Application property |
938 | CurrentX | Report property |
939 | CurrentY | Report property |
940 | CURSOR | JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) |
941 | CustomRibbonID | Form property |
942 | CVar | VBA function |
943 | CVDate | VBA function |
944 | CVErr | VBA function |
945 | Cycle | Form property |
946 | DATA | Future SQL Server keyword (TSQL Ref in MSDN) |
947 | DATA_ERRADDED | Access constant (old) |
948 | DATA_ERRCONTINUE | Access constant (old) |
949 | DATA_ERRDISPLAY | Access constant (old) |
950 | DataAccessPages | Application Property |
951 | DATABASE | JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948) |
952 | DataChange | Form property |
953 | DataChangeEmMacro | Form property |
954 | DataChangeMacro | Form Property |
955 | DataEntry | Form property |
956 | DataSetChange | Form property |
957 | DataSetChangeEmMacro | Form property |
958 | DataSetChangeMacro | Form Property |
959 | DatasheetAlternateBackColor | Form property |
960 | DatasheetBackColor | Form property |
961 | DatasheetBackShade | Form property; Report property |
962 | DatasheetBackThemeColorIndex | Form property; Report property |
963 | DatasheetBackTint | Form property; Report property |
964 | DatasheetBorderLineStyle | Form property |
965 | DatasheetCellsEffect | Form property |
966 | DatasheetColumnHeaderUnderlineStyle | Form property |
967 | DatasheetFontHeight | Form property |
968 | DatasheetFontItalic | Form property |
969 | DatasheetFontName | Form property |
970 | DatasheetFontUnderline | Form property |
971 | DatasheetFontWeight | Form property |
972 | DatasheetForeColor | Form property |
973 | DatasheetForeShade | Form property; Report property |
974 | DatasheetForeThemeColorIndex | Form property; Report property; Table property |
975 | DatasheetForeTint | Form property; Report property |
976 | DatasheetGridlinesBehavior | Form property |
977 | DatasheetGridlinesColor | Form property |
978 | DatasheetGridlinesShade | Form property; Report property |
979 | DatasheetGridlinesThemeColorIndex | Form property; Report property; Table property |
980 | DatasheetGridlinesTint | Form property; Report property |
981 | DataUpdatable | Field property |
982 | DATE | JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948) |
983 | Date$ | VBA property |
984 | DateAdd | VBA function |
985 | DateCreated | Table property |
986 | DateDiff | VBA function |
987 | DateGrouping | Report property |
988 | DatePart | VBA function |
989 | DateSerial | VBA function |
990 | DATETIME | JET reserved (kb248738) |
991 | DateValue | VBA function |
992 | DAvg | Application Property |
993 | DAY | JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948) |
994 | DB_APPENDONLY | Access constant (old) |
995 | DB_ATTACHEDODBC | Access constant (old) |
996 | DB_ATTACHEDTABLE | Access constant (old) |
997 | DB_ATTACHEXCLUSIVE | Access constant (old) |
998 | DB_ATTACHSAVEPWD | Access constant (old) |
999 | DB_AUTOINCRFIELD | Access constant (old) |
1000 | DB_BINARY | Access constant (old) |
1001 | DB_BOOLEAN | Access constant (old) |
1002 | DB_BYTE | Access constant (old) |
1003 | DB_CONSISTENT | Access constant (old) |
1004 | DB_CURRENCY | Access constant (old) |
1005 | DB_DATE | Access constant (old) |
1006 | DB_DECRYPT | Access constant (old) |
1007 | DB_DENYREAD | Access constant (old) |
1008 | DB_DENYWRITE | Access constant (old) |
1009 | DB_DESCENDING | Access constant (old) |
1010 | DB_DOUBLE | Access constant (old) |
1011 | DB_ENCRYPT | Access constant (old) |
1012 | DB_FAILONERROR | Access constant (old) |
1013 | DB_FIXEDFIELD | Access constant (old) |
1014 | DB_FORWARDONLY | Access constant (old) |
1015 | DB_FREELOCKS | Access constant (old) |
1016 | DB_HIDDENOBJECT | Access constant (old) |
1017 | DB_IGNORENULL | Access constant (old) |
1018 | DB_INCONSISTENT | Access constant (old) |
1019 | DB_INTEGER | Access constant (old) |
1020 | DB_LANG_ARABIC | Access constant (old) |
1021 | DB_LANG_CYRILLIC | Access constant (old) |
1022 | DB_LANG_CZECH | Access constant (old) |
1023 | DB_LANG_DUTCH | Access constant (old) |
1024 | DB_LANG_GENERAL | Access constant (old) |
1025 | DB_LANG_GREEK | Access constant (old) |
1026 | DB_LANG_HEBREW | Access constant (old) |
1027 | DB_LANG_HUNGARIAN | Access constant (old) |
1028 | DB_LANG_ICELANDIC | Access constant (old) |
1029 | DB_LANG_NORDIC | Access constant (old) |
1030 | DB_LANG_NORWDAN | Access constant (old) |
1031 | DB_LANG_POLISH | Access constant (old) |
1032 | DB_LANG_SPANISH | Access constant (old) |
1033 | DB_LANG_SWEDFIN | Access constant (old) |
1034 | DB_LANG_TURKISH | Access constant (old) |
1035 | DB_LONG | Access constant (old) |
1036 | DB_LONGBINARY | Access constant (old) |
1037 | DB_MEMO | Access constant (old) |
1038 | DB_NONULLS | Access constant (old) |
1039 | DB_OLE | Access constant (old) |
1040 | DB_OPEN_DYNASET | Access constant (old) |
1041 | DB_OPEN_SNAPSHOT | Access constant (old) |
1042 | DB_OPEN_TABLE | Access constant (old) |
1043 | DB_OPTIONINIPATH | Access constant (old) |
1044 | DB_PRIMARY | Access constant (old) |
1045 | DB_PROHIBITNULL | Access constant (old) |
1046 | DB_QACTION | Access constant (old) |
1047 | DB_QAPPEND | Access constant (old) |
1048 | DB_QCROSSTAB | Access constant (old) |
1049 | DB_QDDL | Access constant (old) |
1050 | DB_QDELETE | Access constant (old) |
1051 | DB_QMAKETABLE | Access constant (old) |
1052 | DB_QSELECT | Access constant (old) |
1053 | DB_QSETOPERATION | Access constant (old) |
1054 | DB_QSPTBULK | Access constant (old) |
1055 | DB_QSQLPASSTHROUGH | Access constant (old) |
1056 | DB_QUERYDEF | Access constant (old) |
1057 | DB_QUPDATE | Access constant (old) |
1058 | DB_READONLY | Access constant (old) |
1059 | DB_RELATIONDELETECASCADE | Access constant (old) |
1060 | DB_RELATIONDONTENFORCE | Access constant (old) |
1061 | DB_RELATIONINHERITED | Access constant (old) |
1062 | DB_RELATIONLEFT | Access constant (old) |
1063 | DB_RELATIONRIGHT | Access constant (old) |
1064 | DB_RELATIONUNIQUE | Access constant (old) |
1065 | DB_RELATIONUPDATECASCADE | Access constant (old) |
1066 | DB_SEC_CREATE | Access constant (old) |
1067 | DB_SEC_DBCREATE | Access constant (old) |
1068 | DB_SEC_DBEXCLUSIVE | Access constant (old) |
1069 | DB_SEC_DBOPEN | Access constant (old) |
1070 | DB_SEC_DELETE | Access constant (old) |
1071 | DB_SEC_DELETEDATA | Access constant (old) |
1072 | DB_SEC_FRMRPT_EXECUTE | Access constant (old) |
1073 | DB_SEC_FRMRPT_READDEF | Access constant (old) |
1074 | DB_SEC_FRMRPT_WRITEDEF | Access constant (old) |
1075 | DB_SEC_FULLACCESS | Access constant (old) |
1076 | DB_SEC_INSERTDATA | Access constant (old) |
1077 | DB_SEC_MAC_EXECUTE | Access constant (old) |
1078 | DB_SEC_MAC_READDEF | Access constant (old) |
1079 | DB_SEC_MAC_WRITEDEF | Access constant (old) |
1080 | DB_SEC_MOD_READDEF | Access constant (old) |
1081 | DB_SEC_MOD_WRITEDEF | Access constant (old) |
1082 | DB_SEC_NOACCESS | Access constant (old) |
1083 | DB_SEC_READDEF | Access constant (old) |
1084 | DB_SEC_READSEC | Access constant (old) |
1085 | DB_SEC_REPLACEDATA | Access constant (old) |
1086 | DB_SEC_RETRIEVEDATA | Access constant (old) |
1087 | DB_SEC_WRITEDEF | Access constant (old) |
1088 | DB_SEC_WRITEOWNER | Access constant (old) |
1089 | DB_SEC_WRITESEC | Access constant (old) |
1090 | DB_SINGLE | Access constant (old) |
1091 | DB_SORTARABIC | Access constant (old) |
1092 | DB_SORTCYRILLIC | Access constant (old) |
1093 | DB_SORTCZECH | Access constant (old) |
1094 | DB_SORTDUTCH | Access constant (old) |
1095 | DB_SORTGENERAL | Access constant (old) |
1096 | DB_SORTGREEK | Access constant (old) |
1097 | DB_SORTHEBREW | Access constant (old) |
1098 | DB_SORTHUNGARIAN | Access constant (old) |
1099 | DB_SORTICELANDIC | Access constant (old) |
1100 | DB_SORTNORWDAN | Access constant (old) |
1101 | DB_SORTPDXINTL | Access constant (old) |
1102 | DB_SORTPDXNOR | Access constant (old) |
1103 | DB_SORTPDXSWE | Access constant (old) |
1104 | DB_SORTPOLISH | Access constant (old) |
1105 | DB_SORTSPANISH | Access constant (old) |
1106 | DB_SORTSWEDFIN | Access constant (old) |
1107 | DB_SORTTURKISH | Access constant (old) |
1108 | DB_SORTUNDEFINED | Access constant (old) |
1109 | DB_SQLPASSTHROUGH | Access constant (old) |
1110 | DB_SYSTEMOBJECT | Access constant (old) |
1111 | DB_TABLE | Access constant (old) |
1112 | DB_TEXT | Access constant (old) |
1113 | DB_UNIQUE | Access constant (old) |
1114 | DB_UPDATABLEFIELD | Access constant (old) |
1115 | DB_VARIABLEFIELD | Access constant (old) |
1116 | DB_VERSION10 | Access constant (old) |
1117 | DB_VERSION11 | Access constant (old) |
1118 | DB_VERSION20 | Access constant (old) |
1119 | dbAppendOnly | DAO constant |
1120 | dbAttachedODBC | DAO constant |
1121 | dbAttachedTable | DAO constant |
1122 | dbAttachExclusive | DAO constant |
1123 | dbAttachSavePWD | DAO constant |
1124 | dbAutoIncrField | DAO constant |
1125 | dbBigInt | DAO constant |
1126 | dbBinary | DAO constant |
1127 | dbBoolean | DAO constant |
1128 | dbByte | DAO constant |
1129 | DBCC | SQL Server reserved |
1130 | dbChar | DAO constant |
1131 | dbConsistent | DAO constant |
1132 | dbCriteriaAllCols | DAO constant |
1133 | dbCriteriaDeleteInsert | DAO constant |
1134 | dbCriteriaKey | DAO constant |
1135 | dbCriteriaModValues | DAO constant |
1136 | dbCriteriaTimestamp | DAO constant |
1137 | dbCriteriaUpdate | DAO constant |
1138 | dbCurrency | DAO constant |
1139 | dbDate | DAO constant |
1140 | dbDecimal | DAO constant |
1141 | dbDecrypt | DAO constant |
1142 | dbDenyRead | DAO constant |
1143 | dbDenyWrite | DAO constant |
1144 | dbDescending | DAO constant |
1145 | dbDouble | DAO constant |
1146 | dbDriverComplete | DAO constant |
1147 | dbDriverCompleteRequired | DAO constant |
1148 | dbDriverNoPrompt | DAO constant |
1149 | dbDriverPrompt | DAO constant |
1150 | dbEditAdd | DAO constant |
1151 | dbEditInProgress | DAO constant |
1152 | dbEditNone | DAO constant |
1153 | dbEncrypt | DAO constant |
1154 | DBEngine | Application Property |
1155 | dbExclusiveAsyncDelay | DAO constant |
1156 | dbExecDirect | DAO constant |
1157 | dbFailOnError | DAO constant |
1158 | dbFixedField | DAO constant |
1159 | dbFloat | DAO constant |
1160 | dbFlushTransactionTieout | DAO constant |
1161 | dbForceOSFlush | DAO constant |
1162 | dbForwardOnly | DAO constant |
1163 | dbFreeLocks | DAO constant |
1164 | dbGUID | DAO constant |
1165 | dbHiddenObject | DAO constant |
1166 | dbHyperlinkField | DAO constant |
1167 | dbImplicitCommitSync | DAO constant |
1168 | dbInconsistent | DAO constant |
1169 | dbInteger | DAO constant |
1170 | dbLangArabic | DAO constant |
1171 | dbLangChineseSimplified | DAO constant |
1172 | dbLangChineseTraditional | DAO constant |
1173 | dbLangCyrillic | DAO constant |
1174 | dbLangCzech | DAO constant |
1175 | dbLangDutch | DAO constant |
1176 | dbLangGeneral | DAO constant |
1177 | dbLangGreek | DAO constant |
1178 | dbLangHebrew | DAO constant |
1179 | dbLangHungarian | DAO constant |
1180 | dbLangIcelandic | DAO constant |
1181 | dbLangJapanese | DAO constant |
1182 | dbLangKorean | DAO constant |
1183 | dbLangNordic | DAO constant |
1184 | dbLangNorwDan | DAO constant |
1185 | dbLangPolish | DAO constant |
1186 | dbLangSlovenian | DAO constant |
1187 | dbLangSpanish | DAO constant |
1188 | dbLangSwedFin | DAO constant |
1189 | dbLangThai | DAO constant |
1190 | dbLangTurkish | DAO constant |
1191 | DblClick | Form method; Form Section method; Report method |
1192 | dbLockDelay | DAO constant |
1193 | dbLockRetry | DAO constant |
1194 | dbLong | DAO constant |
1195 | dbLongBinary | DAO constant |
1196 | dbMaxBufferSize | DAO constant |
1197 | dbMaxLocksPerFile | DAO constant |
1198 | dbMemo | DAO constant |
1199 | dbNumeric | DAO constant |
1200 | dbOpenDynamic | DAO constant |
1201 | dbOpenDynaset | DAO constant |
1202 | dbOpenForwardOnly | DAO constant |
1203 | dbOpenSnapshot | DAO constant |
1204 | dbOpenTable | DAO constant |
1205 | dbOptimistic | DAO constant |
1206 | dbOptimisticBatch | DAO constant |
1207 | dbOptimisticValue | DAO constant |
1208 | dbPageTimeout | DAO constant |
1209 | dbParamInput | DAO constant |
1210 | dbParamInputOutput | DAO constant |
1211 | dbParamOutput | DAO constant |
1212 | dbParamReturnValue | DAO constant |
1213 | dbPessimistic | DAO constant |
1214 | dbQAction | DAO constant |
1215 | dbQAppend | DAO constant |
1216 | dbQCompound | DAO constant |
1217 | dbQCrosstab | DAO constant |
1218 | dbQDDL | DAO constant |
1219 | dbQDelete | DAO constant |
1220 | dbQMakeTable | DAO constant |
1221 | dbQPrepare | DAO constant |
1222 | dbQProcedure | DAO constant |
1223 | dbQSelect | DAO constant |
1224 | dbQSetOperation | DAO constant |
1225 | dbQSPTBulk | DAO constant |
1226 | dbQSQLPassThrough | DAO constant |
1227 | dbQUnprepare | DAO constant |
1228 | dbQUpdate | DAO constant |
1229 | dbReadOnly | DAO constant |
1230 | dbRecordDBDeleted | DAO constant |
1231 | dbRecordDeleted | DAO constant |
1232 | dbRecordModified | DAO constant |
1233 | dbRecordNew | DAO constant |
1234 | dbRecordUnmodified | DAO constant |
1235 | dbRecycleLVs | DAO constant |
1236 | dbRefreshCache | DAO constant |
1237 | dbRelationDeleteCascade | DAO constant |
1238 | dbRelationDontEnforce | DAO constant |
1239 | dbRelationInherited | DAO constant |
1240 | dbRelationLeft | DAO constant |
1241 | dbRelationRight | DAO constant |
1242 | dbRelationUnique | DAO constant |
1243 | dbRelationUpdateCascade | DAO constant |
1244 | dbRepExportChanges | DAO constant |
1245 | dbRepImpExpChanges | DAO constant |
1246 | dbRepImportChanges | DAO constant |
1247 | dbRepMakePartial | DAO constant |
1248 | dbRepMakeReadOnly | DAO constant |
1249 | dbRepSyncInternet | DAO constant |
1250 | dbRunAsync | DAO constant |
1251 | dbSecCreate | DAO constant |
1252 | dbSecDBAdmin | DAO constant |
1253 | dbSecDBCreate | DAO constant |
1254 | dbSecDBExclusive | DAO constant |
1255 | dbSecDBOpen | DAO constant |
1256 | dbSecDelete | DAO constant |
1257 | dbSecDeleteData | DAO constant |
1258 | dbSecFullAccess | DAO constant |
1259 | dbSecInsertData | DAO constant |
1260 | dbSecNoAccess | DAO constant |
1261 | dbSecReadDef | DAO constant |
1262 | dbSecReadSec | DAO constant |
1263 | dbSecReplaceData | DAO constant |
1264 | dbSecRetrieveData | DAO constant |
1265 | dbSecWriteDef | DAO constant |
1266 | dbSecWriteOwner | DAO constant |
1267 | dbSecWriteSec | DAO constant |
1268 | dbSeeChanges | DAO constant |
1269 | dbSharedAsyncDelay | DAO constant |
1270 | dbSingle | DAO constant |
1271 | dbSortArabic | DAO constant |
1272 | dbSortChineseSimplified | DAO constant |
1273 | dbSortChineseTraditional | DAO constant |
1274 | dbSortCryillic | DAO constant |
1275 | dbSortCzech | DAO constant |
1276 | dbSortDutch | DAO constant |
1277 | dbSortGeneral | DAO constant |
1278 | dbSortGreek | DAO constant |
1279 | dbSortHebrew | DAO constant |
1280 | dbSortHungarian | DAO constant |
1281 | dbSortIcelandic | DAO constant |
1282 | dbSortJapanese | DAO constant |
1283 | dbSortKorean | DAO constant |
1284 | dbSortNeutral | DAO constant |
1285 | dbSortNorwdan | DAO constant |
1286 | dbSortPDXIntl | DAO constant |
1287 | dbSortPDXNor | DAO constant |
1288 | dbSortPDXSwe | DAO constant |
1289 | dbSortPolish | DAO constant |
1290 | dbSortSlovenian | DAO constant |
1291 | dbSortSpanish | DAO constant |
1292 | dbSortSwedFin | DAO constant |
1293 | dbSortThai | DAO constant |
1294 | dbSortTurkish | DAO constant |
1295 | dbSortUndefined | DAO constant |
1296 | dbSQLPassThrough | DAO constant |
1297 | dbSystemField | DAO constant |
1298 | dbSystemObject | DAO constant |
1299 | dbText | DAO constant |
1300 | dbTime | DAO constant |
1301 | dbTimeStamp | DAO constant |
1302 | dbUpdatableField | DAO constant |
1303 | dbUpdateBatch | Access constant |
1304 | dbUpdateCurrentRecord | Access constant |
1305 | dbUpdateRegular | Access constant |
1306 | dbUseClientBatchCursor | DAO constant |
1307 | dbUseDefaultCursor | DAO constant |
1308 | dbUseJet | Access constant |
1309 | dbUseNoCursor | DAO constant |
1310 | dbUseODBC | Access constant |
1311 | dbUseODBCCursor | DAO constant |
1312 | dbUserCommitSync | DAO constant |
1313 | dbUseServerCursor | DAO constant |
1314 | dbVarBinary | DAO constant |
1315 | dbVariableField | DAO constant |
1316 | dbVersion10 | DAO constant |
1317 | dbVersion11 | DAO constant |
1318 | dbVersion20 | DAO constant |
1319 | dbVersion30 | DAO constant |
1320 | dbVersion40 | DAO constant |
1321 | DCount | Application Property |
1322 | DDB | VBA function |
1323 | DDEExecute | Application Property |
1324 | DDEInitiate | Application Property |
1325 | DDEPoke | Application Property |
1326 | DDERequest | Application Property |
1327 | DDETerminate | Application Property |
1328 | DDETerminateAll | Application Property |
1329 | Deactivate | Form method; Report method |
1330 | DEALLOCATE | JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) |
1331 | DEC | JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948) |
1332 | DECIMAL | JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948) |
1333 | DecimalPlaces | Field property |
1334 | DECLARE | JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) |
1335 | DEFAULT | JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved |
1336 | DefaultControl | Report property |
1337 | DefaultEditing | Form property |
1338 | DefaultPassword | DAO global |
1339 | DefaultType | DAO global |
1340 | DefaultUser | DAO global |
1341 | DefaultValue | Field property |
1342 | DefaultView | Form property; Table property |
1343 | DefaultWebOptions | Application Property |
1344 | DefaultWorkspaceClone | Application Property |
1345 | DEFERRABLE | JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) |
1346 | DEFERRED | JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) |
1347 | DelAutoCorrect | Application Property |
1348 | DELETE | JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948) |
1349 | DELETE_CANCEL | Access constant (old) |
1350 | DELETE_OK | Access constant (old) |
1351 | DELETE_USER_CANCEL | Access constant (old) |
1352 | DeleteControl | Application Property |
1353 | DeleteObject | VBA function |
1354 | DeleteReportControl | Application Property |
1355 | DeleteSetting | VBA function |
1356 | DENY | SQL Server reserved |
1357 | DEPTH | Future SQL Server keyword (TSQL Ref in MSDN) |
1358 | DEREF | Future SQL Server keyword (TSQL Ref in MSDN) |
1359 | DESC | JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948) |
1360 | DESCRIBE | JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) |
1361 | Description | Table property; Field property |
1362 | DESCRIPTOR | JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) |
1363 | DESTROY | Future SQL Server keyword (TSQL Ref in MSDN) |
1364 | DESTRUCTOR | Future SQL Server keyword (TSQL Ref in MSDN) |
1365 | Detail | Form property; Report property |
1366 | DETERMINISTIC | Future SQL Server keyword (TSQL Ref in MSDN) |
1367 | DFirst | Application Property |
1368 | DIAGNOSTICS | JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) |
1369 | DICTIONARY | ODBC (kb125948) |
1370 | Dir | VBA function |
1371 | Dirty | Form property; Report property |
1372 | DirtyObject | Application property |
1373 | DISALLOW | JET reserved (kb248738) |
1374 | DISCONNECT | JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) |
1375 | DISK | SQL Server reserved |
1376 | DISPLACEMENT | ODBC (kb125948) |
1377 | DisplayControl | Field property |
1378 | DisplayOnSharePointSite | Form property; Report property |
1379 | DisplayViewsOnSharePointSite | Table property; Query property |
1380 | DisplayWhen | Form Section property; Report Section property |
1381 | DISTINCT | JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948) |
1382 | DISTINCTROW | Access reserved (kb286335) |
1383 | DISTRIBUTED | SQL Server reserved |
1384 | DividingLines | Form property |
1385 | DLast | Application Property |
1386 | DLookup | Application Property |
1387 | DMax | Application Property |
1388 | DMin | Application Property |
1389 | DoCmd | Application Property |
1390 | Docs | Reserved for web databases |
1391 | Document | Access reserved (kb286335) |
1392 | DoEvents | VBA function |
1393 | DOMAIN | JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) |
1394 | DOUBLE | JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948) |
1395 | DrawMode | Report property |
1396 | DrawStyle | Report property |
1397 | DrawWidth | Report property |
1398 | DROP | JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948) |
1399 | DStDev | Application Property |
1400 | DStDevP | Application Property |
1401 | DSum | Application Property |
1402 | DUMMY | SQL Server reserved |
1403 | DUMP | SQL Server reserved |
1404 | DVar | Application Property |
1405 | DVarP | Application Property |
1406 | DYNAMIC | Future SQL Server keyword (TSQL Ref in MSDN) |
1407 | EACH | Future SQL Server keyword (TSQL Ref in MSDN) |
1408 | Echo | Access reserved (kb286335) |
1409 | ELSE | JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948) |
1410 | END | JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) |
1411 | END-EXEC | JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) |
1412 | Environ | VBA function |
1413 | Environ$ | VBA function |
1414 | EOF | VBA function |
1415 | EQUALS | Future SQL Server keyword (TSQL Ref in MSDN) |
1416 | Eqv | Access reserved (kb286335) |
1417 | Erl | VBA function |
1418 | Err | VBA function |
1419 | ERRLVL | SQL Server reserved |
1420 | Error | Access reserved (kb286335) |
1421 | Error$ | VBA function |
1422 | Errors | DAO global |
1423 | ESCAPE | JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) |
1424 | EuroConvert | Application Property |
1425 | Eval | Application Property |
1426 | EventProcPrefix | Form Section property; Report Section property |
1427 | EVERY | Future SQL Server keyword (TSQL Ref in MSDN) |
1428 | EXCEPT | JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) |
1429 | EXCEPTION | JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) |
1430 | EXCLUSIVECONNECT | JET reserved (kb248738) |
1431 | EXEC | JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948) |
1432 | EXECUTE | JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948) |
1433 | EXISTS | JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948) |
1434 | Exit | Access reserved (kb286335);SQL Server reserved |
1435 | Exp | VBA function |
1436 | ExportCustomFixedFormat | Application Property |
1437 | ExportNavigationPane | Application Property |
1438 | ExportXML | Application Property |
1439 | ExportXMLOld | Application Property |
1440 | Expression | Field property |
1441 | EXTERNAL | JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) |
1442 | EXTRACT | JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) |
1443 | FALSE | JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948) |
1444 | FastLaserPrinting | Form property; Report property |
1445 | FCMinDesignVer | Table property |
1446 | FCMinReadVer | Table property |
1447 | FCMinWriteVer | Table property |
1448 | FeatureInstall | Application Property |
1449 | FETCH | JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) |
1450 | FetchDefaults | Form property |
1451 | Field | Access reserved (kb286335) |
1452 | Fields | Access reserved (kb286335) |
1453 | FieldSize | Field property |
1454 | FILE | SQL Server reserved |
1455 | FileAttr | VBA function |
1456 | FileCopy | VBA function |
1457 | FileDateTime | VBA function |
1458 | FileDialog | Application Property |
1459 | FileLen | VBA function |
1460 | FileSearch | Application Property |
1461 | FillCache | Access reserved (kb286335) |
1462 | FillColor | Report property |
1463 | FILLFACTOR | SQL Server reserved |
1464 | FillStyle | Report property |
1465 | Filter | Form property; Report property |
1466 | FilterOn | Form property; Report property |
1467 | FilterOnLoad | Form property; Report property |
1468 | FIRST | JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948) |
1469 | FitToPage | Report property |
1470 | FitToScreen | Form property |
1471 | Fix | VBA function |
1472 | FLOAT | JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948) |
1473 | FLOAT4 | JET reserved (kb248738) |
1474 | FLOAT8 | JET reserved (kb248738) |
1475 | FollowHyperlik | Application Property |
1476 | FollowHyperlink | Application Property |
1477 | FontBold | Report property |
1478 | FontItalic | Report property |
1479 | FontName | Report property |
1480 | FontSize | Report property |
1481 | FontUnderline | Report property |
1482 | FOR | JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948) |
1483 | ForceNewPage | Form Section property; Report Section property |
1484 | ForeColor | Report property |
1485 | FOREIGN | JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948) |
1486 | ForeignName | Field property |
1487 | ForeShade | Form property; Report property |
1488 | ForeThemeColorIndex | Form property; Report property |
1489 | ForeTint | Form property; Report property |
1490 | Form | Access reserved (kb286335) |
1491 | Format | Field property |
1492 | Format$ | VBA function |
1493 | FormatCount | Report property |
1494 | FormatCurrency | VBA function |
1495 | FormatDateTime | VBA function |
1496 | FormatNumber | VBA function |
1497 | FormatPercent | VBA function |
1498 | FormName | Form property |
1499 | Forms | Access reserved (kb286335) |
1500 | FORTRAN | ODBC (kb125948) |
1501 | FOUND | JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) |
1502 | FREE | Future SQL Server keyword (TSQL Ref in MSDN) |
1503 | FreeFile | VBA function |
1504 | FREETEXT | SQL Server reserved |
1505 | FREETEXTTABLE | SQL Server reserved |
1506 | FROM | JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948) |
1507 | FrozenColumns | Form property |
1508 | FULL | JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) |
1509 | FUNCTION | Access reserved (kb286335);SQL Server reserved |
1510 | FV | VBA function |
1511 | GENERAL | JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948) |
1512 | GET | JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) |
1513 | GetAllSettings | VBA function |
1514 | GetAttr | VBA function |
1515 | GetHiddenAttribute | Application Property |
1516 | GetObject | Access reserved (kb286335) |
1517 | GetOption | Access reserved (kb286335) |
1518 | GetSetting | VBA function |
1519 | GLOBAL | JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) |
1520 | GO | JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) |
1521 | GotFocus | Form method; Report method |
1522 | GOTO | JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) |
1523 | GotoPage | Access reserved (kb286335) |
1524 | GRANT | JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948) |
1525 | GridX | Form property; Report property |
1526 | GridY | Form property; Report property |
1527 | GROUP | JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948) |
1528 | GROUPING | Future SQL Server keyword (TSQL Ref in MSDN) |
1529 | GroupLevel | Report property |
1530 | GrpKeepTogether | Report property |
1531 | GUID | JET reserved (kb248738) |
1532 | GUIDFromString | Application Property |
1533 | HasContinued | Form Section property; Report Section property |
1534 | HasData | Report property |
1535 | HasModule | Form property; Report property |
1536 | HAVING | JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948) |
1537 | Height | Form Section property; Report Section property |
1538 | HelpContextId | Form property; Report property |
1539 | HelpFile | Form property; Report property |
1540 | Hex | VBA function |
1541 | Hex$ | VBA function |
1542 | HideNewField | Table property; Query property |
1543 | HOLDLOCK | SQL Server reserved |
1544 | HorizontalDatasheetGridlineStyle | Form property |
1545 | HOST | Future SQL Server keyword (TSQL Ref in MSDN) |
1546 | HOUR | JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948) |
1547 | HtmlEncode | Application Property |
1548 | Hwnd | Form property; Report property |
1549 | hWndAccessApp | Application Property |
1550 | HyperlinkPart | Application Property |
1551 | IDENTITY | JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948) |
1552 | IDENTITY_INSERT | SQL Server reserved |
1553 | IDENTITYCOL | SQL Server reserved |
1554 | Idle | Access reserved (kb286335) |
1555 | IEEEDOUBLE | JET reserved (kb248738) |
1556 | IEEESINGLE | JET reserved (kb248738) |
1557 | If | Access reserved (kb286335);SQL Server reserved |
1558 | IGNORE | JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948) |
1559 | IIf | VBA function |
1560 | IMAGE | JET reserved (kb248738) |
1561 | ImageData | Form property |
1562 | IMEMode | Field property |
1563 | IMESentenceMode | Field property |
1564 | IMEStatus | VBA function |
1565 | IMMEDIATE | JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) |
1566 | Imp | Access reserved (kb286335) |
1567 | ImportNavigationPane | Application Property |
1568 | ImportXML | Application Property |
1569 | IN | JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948) |
1570 | INCLUDE | ODBC (kb125948) |
1571 | INDEX | JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948) |
1572 | Indexes | Access reserved (kb286335) |
1573 | INDICATOR | JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) |
1574 | INHERITABLE | JET reserved (kb248738) |
1575 | IniPath | DAO global |
1576 | INITIALIZE | Future SQL Server keyword (TSQL Ref in MSDN) |
1577 | INITIALLY | JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) |
1578 | INNER | JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948) |
1579 | INOUT | Future SQL Server keyword (TSQL Ref in MSDN) |
1580 | INPUT | JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) |
1581 | Input$ | VBA function |
1582 | InputB | VBA function |
1583 | InputB$ | VBA function |
1584 | InputBox | VBA function |
1585 | InputMask | Field property |
1586 | InputParameters | Form property; Report property |
1587 | InSelection | Form Section property; Report Section property |
1588 | INSENSITIVE | JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) |
1589 | INSERT | JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948) |
1590 | InsertText | Access reserved (kb286335) |
1591 | InsideHeight | Form property |
1592 | InsideWidth | Form property |
1593 | InstantiateTemplate | Application property |
1594 | InStr | VBA function |
1595 | InstrB | VBA function |
1596 | InstrRev | VBA function |
1597 | INT | JET reserved (kb248738) |
1598 | INTEGER | JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948) |
1599 | INTEGER1 | JET reserved (kb248738) |
1600 | INTEGER2 | JET reserved (kb248738) |
1601 | INTEGER4 | JET reserved (kb248738) |
1602 | INTERSECT | JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) |
1603 | INTERVAL | JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) |
1604 | INTO | JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948) |
1605 | IPmt | VBA function |
1606 | IRR | VBA function |
1607 | IS | JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948) |
1608 | ISAMStats | DAO global |
1609 | IsArray | VBA function |
1610 | IsClient | Application property |
1611 | IsCompiled | Application Property |
1612 | IsCurrentWebUserInGroup | Application property |
1613 | IsDate | VBA function |
1614 | IsEmpty | VBA function |
1615 | IsError | VBA function |
1616 | IsMemberSafe | Application Property |
1617 | IsMissing | VBA function |
1618 | IsNull | VBA function |
1619 | IsNumeric | VBA function |
1620 | IsObject | VBA function |
1621 | ISOLATION | JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) |
1622 | ITERATE | Future SQL Server keyword (TSQL Ref in MSDN) |
1623 | JOIN | JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948);SQL Server reserved |
1624 | KeepLocal | DAO constant |
1625 | KeepTogether | Form Section property; Report Section property |
1626 | KEY | JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948);SQL Server reserved |
1627 | KeyDown | Form method; Report method |
1628 | KeyPress | Form method; Report method |
1629 | KeyPreview | Form property |
1630 | KeyUp | Form method; Report method |
1631 | Kill | VBA function;SQL Server reserved |
1632 | LANGUAGE | JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) |
1633 | LanguageSettings | Application Property |
1634 | LARGE | Future SQL Server keyword (TSQL Ref in MSDN) |
1635 | LAST | JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948) |
1636 | LastModified | Access reserved (kb286335) |
1637 | LastUpdated | Table property |
1638 | LATERAL | Future SQL Server keyword (TSQL Ref in MSDN) |
1639 | LayoutForPrint | Form property; Report property |
1640 | LB_CLOSE | Access constant (old) |
1641 | LB_END | Access constant (old) |
1642 | LB_GETCOLUMNCOUNT | Access constant (old) |
1643 | LB_GETCOLUMNWIDTH | Access constant (old) |
1644 | LB_GETFORMAT | Access constant (old) |
1645 | LB_GETROWCOUNT | Access constant (old) |
1646 | LB_GETVALUE | Access constant (old) |
1647 | LB_INITIALIZE | Access constant (old) |
1648 | LB_OPEN | Access constant (old) |
1649 | LCase | VBA function |
1650 | LCase$ | VBA function |
1651 | LEADING | JET reserved (kb248738);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) |
1652 | LEFT | JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948) |
1653 | Left$ | VBA function |
1654 | LEFT_BUTTON | Access constant (old) |
1655 | LeftB | VBA function |
1656 | LeftB$ | VBA function |
1657 | Len | VBA function |
1658 | LenB | VBA function |
1659 | LESS | Future SQL Server keyword (TSQL Ref in MSDN) |
1660 | LEVEL | JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948) |
1661 | LIKE | JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948) |
1662 | LIMIT | Future SQL Server keyword (TSQL Ref in MSDN) |
1663 | LimitToList | Field property |
1664 | Line | Report method |
1665 | LINENO | SQL Server reserved |
1666 | ListRows | Field property |
1667 | Lists | Reserved for web databases |
1668 | ListWidth | Field property |
1669 | Load | Form method; Report method;SQL Server reserved |
1670 | LoadCustomUI | Access property |
1671 | LoadFromAXL | Application property |
1672 | LoadFromText | Application Property |
1673 | LoadPicture | Application Property |
1674 | Loc | VBA function |
1675 | LOCAL | JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) |
1676 | LOCALTIME | Future SQL Server keyword (TSQL Ref in MSDN) |
1677 | LOCALTIMESTAMP | Future SQL Server keyword (TSQL Ref in MSDN) |
1678 | LocalVars | Application property |
1679 | LOCATOR | Future SQL Server keyword (TSQL Ref in MSDN) |
1680 | Log | VBA function |
1681 | LOGICAL | JET reserved (kb248738) |
1682 | LOGICAL1 | JET reserved (kb248738) |
1683 | LogicalPageHeight | Report property |
1684 | LogicalPageWidth | Form property; Report property |
1685 | LoginTimeout | DAO global |
1686 | LogMessages | DAO constant |
1687 | LONG | JET reserved (kb248738) |
1688 | LONGBINARY | JET reserved (kb248738) |
1689 | LONGCHAR | JET reserved (kb248738) |
1690 | LONGTEXT | JET reserved (kb248738) |
1691 | LostFocus | Form method; Report method |
1692 | LOWER | JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) |
1693 | LTrim | VBA function |
1694 | LTrim$ | VBA function |
1695 | MacID | VBA function |
1696 | MacroError | Application Property |
1697 | MacScript | VBA function |
1698 | MAP | Future SQL Server keyword (TSQL Ref in MSDN) |
1699 | MapName | Table property |
1700 | MATCH | JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) |
1701 | MAX | JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948) |
1702 | MaxButton | Form property; Report property |
1703 | MaxRecords | Form method |
1704 | MEMO | JET reserved (kb248738) |
1705 | MenuBar | Form property; Report property |
1706 | Mid | VBA function |
1707 | Mid$ | VBA function |
1708 | MidB | VBA function |
1709 | MidB$ | VBA function |
1710 | MIDDLE_BUTTON | Access constant (old) |
1711 | MIN | JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948) |
1712 | MinButton | Form property; Report property |
1713 | MinMaxButtons | Form property; Report property |
1714 | MINUTE | JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948) |
1715 | MIRR | VBA function |
1716 | MkDir | VBA function |
1717 | Mod | Access reserved (kb286335) |
1718 | Modal | Form property; Report property |
1719 | MODIFIES | Future SQL Server keyword (TSQL Ref in MSDN) |
1720 | MODIFY | Future SQL Server keyword (TSQL Ref in MSDN) |
1721 | MODULE | JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) |
1722 | Modules | Application Property |
1723 | MONEY | JET reserved (kb248738) |
1724 | MONTH | JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948) |
1725 | MonthName | VBA function |
1726 | MouseDown | Form method; Form Section method; Report method |
1727 | MouseMove | Form method; Form Section method; Report method |
1728 | MouseUp | Form method; Form Section method; Report method |
1729 | MouseWheel | Form method; Report method |
1730 | MouseWheelEmMacro | Form property; Report property |
1731 | MouseWheelMacro | Form property; Report property |
1732 | Move | Access reserved (kb286335) |
1733 | Moveable | Form property; Report property |
1734 | MoveLayout | Report property |
1735 | MsgBox | VBA function |
1736 | MsoDebugOptions | Application Property |
1737 | MUMPS | ODBC (kb125948) |
1738 | Name | Form property; Form Section property; Report property; Report Section property; Table property; Field property |
1739 | NameMap | Table property |
1740 | NAMES | JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) |
1741 | NATIONAL | JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948) |
1742 | NATURAL | JET reserved (kb248738);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) |
1743 | NavigationButtons | Form property |
1744 | NavigationCaption | Form property |
1745 | NCHAR | JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948) |
1746 | NCLOB | Future SQL Server keyword (TSQL Ref in MSDN) |
1747 | NEW | Future SQL Server keyword (TSQL Ref in MSDN) |
1748 | NewAccessProject | Application Property |
1749 | NewCurrentDatabase | Application Property |
1750 | NewCurrentDatabaseOld | Application property |
1751 | NewFileTaskPane | Application Property |
1752 | NewPassword | Access reserved (kb286335) |
1753 | NewRecord | Form property; Report property |
1754 | NewRowOrCol | Form Section property; Report Section property |
1755 | NEXT | JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) |
1756 | NextRecord | Report property |
1757 | NO | JET reserved (kb248738) |
1758 | NOCHECK | SQL Server reserved |
1759 | NoData | Report method |
1760 | NONCLUSTERED | SQL Server reserved |
1761 | NONE | ODBC (kb125948) |
1762 | NOT | JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948) |
1763 | NOTE | JET reserved (kb248738) |
1764 | Now | VBA property |
1765 | NPer | VBA function |
1766 | NPmt | VBA function |
1767 | NULL | JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) |
1768 | NULLIF | JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948) |
1769 | NUMBER | JET reserved (kb248738) |
1770 | NUMERIC | JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948) |
1771 | Nz | Application Property |
1772 | OBJECT | JET reserved (kb248738) |
1773 | ObjPtr | VBA function |
1774 | OBJSTATE_DIRTY | Access constant (old) |
1775 | OBJSTATE_NEW | Access constant (old) |
1776 | OBJSTATE_OPEN | Access constant (old) |
1777 | Oct | VBA function |
1778 | Oct$ | VBA function |
1779 | OCTET_LENGTH | JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) |
1780 | ODBCTimeout | Query property |
1781 | OF | JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) |
1782 | OFF | Access reserved (kb286335);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948) |
1783 | OFFSETS | SQL Server reserved |
1784 | OLD | Future SQL Server keyword (TSQL Ref in MSDN) |
1785 | OLE_CLOSED | Access constant (old) |
1786 | OLE_DHANGED | Access constant (old) |
1787 | OLE_RELEASE | Access constant (old) |
1788 | OLE_RENAMED | Access constant (old) |
1789 | OLE_SAVED | Access constant (old) |
1790 | OLEOBJECT | JET reserved (kb248738) |
1791 | ON | JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948) |
1792 | OnActivate | Form property; Report property |
1793 | OnActivateEmMacro | Form property; Report property |
1794 | OnActivateMacro | Form property; Report property |
1795 | OnApplyFilter | Form property |
1796 | OnApplyFilterEmMacro | Form property; Report property |
1797 | OnApplyFilterMacro | Form property; Report property |
1798 | OnClick | Form property; Form Section property |
1799 | OnClickEmMacro | Form property; Report property |
1800 | OnClickMacro | Form method; Form Section method; Report property |
1801 | OnClose | Form property; Report property |
1802 | OnCloseEmMacro | Form property; Report property |
1803 | OnCloseMacro | Form Property; Report property |
1804 | OnCmdBeforeExecute | Form property |
1805 | OnCmdChecked | Form property |
1806 | OnCmdEnabled | Form property |
1807 | OnCmdExecute | Form property |
1808 | OnConnect | Form property |
1809 | OnConnectEmMacro | Form property |
1810 | OnConnectMacro | Form Property |
1811 | OnCurrent | Form property; Report property |
1812 | OnCurrentEmMacro | Form property |
1813 | OnCurrentMacro | Form property |
1814 | OnDataChange | Form property |
1815 | OnDataSetChange | Form property |
1816 | OnDblClick | Form property; Form Section property |
1817 | OnDblClickEmMacro | Form property; Report property |
1818 | OnDblClickMacro | Form method; Form Section method; Report property |
1819 | OnDeactivate | Form property; Report property |
1820 | OnDeactivateEmMacro | Form property; Report property |
1821 | OnDeactivateMacro | Form Property; Report property |
1822 | OnDelete | Form property |
1823 | OnDeleteEmMacro | Form property |
1824 | OnDeleteMacro | Form Property |
1825 | OnDirty | Form property |
1826 | OnDirtyEmMacro | Form property |
1827 | OnDirtyMacro | Form Property |
1828 | OnDisconnect | Form property |
1829 | OnDisconnectEmMacro | Form property |
1830 | OnDisconnectMacro | Form Property |
1831 | OnError | Form property; Report property |
1832 | OnErrorEmMacro | Form property; Report property |
1833 | OnErrorMacro | Form Property; Report property |
1834 | OnFilter | Form property |
1835 | OnFilterEmMacro | Form property; Report property |
1836 | OnFilterMacro | Form Property; Report property |
1837 | OnFormat | Report Section property |
1838 | OnFormatEmMacro | Report section property |
1839 | OnFormatMacro | Form method; Form Section method |
1840 | OnGotFocus | Form property |
1841 | OnGotFocusEmMacro | Form property; Report property |
1842 | OnGotFocusMacro | Form Property; Report property |
1843 | OnKeyDown | Form property |
1844 | OnKeyDownEmMacro | Form property; Report property |
1845 | OnKeyDownMacro | Form Property; Report property |
1846 | OnKeyPress | Form property |
1847 | OnKeyPressEmMacro | Form property; Report property |
1848 | OnKeyPressMacro | Form Property; Report property |
1849 | OnKeyUp | Form property |
1850 | OnKeyUpEmMacro | Form property; Report property |
1851 | OnKeyUpMacro | Form Property; Report property |
1852 | OnLoad | Form property |
1853 | OnLoadEmMacro | Form property; Report property |
1854 | OnLoadMacro | Form Property; Report property |
1855 | OnLostFocus | Form property |
1856 | OnLostFocusEmMacro | Form property; Report property |
1857 | OnLostFocusMacro | Form Property; Report property |
1858 | ONLY | JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) |
1859 | OnMouseDown | Form property; Form Section property |
1860 | OnMouseDownEmMacro | Form property; Report property |
1861 | OnMouseDownMacro | Form method; Form Section method; Report property |
1862 | OnMouseMove | Form property; Form Section property |
1863 | OnMouseMoveEmMacro | Form property; Report property |
1864 | OnMouseMoveMacro | Form Property; Report property |
1865 | OnMouseUp | Form property; Form Section property |
1866 | OnMouseUpEmMacro | Form property; Report property |
1867 | OnMouseUpMacro | Form method; Form Section method; Report property |
1868 | OnMouseWheel | Form property |
1869 | OnNoData | Report property |
1870 | OnNoDataEmMacro | Report property |
1871 | OnNoDataMacro | Report property |
1872 | OnOpen | Form property; Report property |
1873 | OnOpenEmMacro | Form property; Report property |
1874 | OnOpenMacro | Form Property; Report property |
1875 | OnPage | Report property |
1876 | OnPageEmMacro | Report property |
1877 | OnPageMacro | Form Property |
1878 | OnPaint | Report method; Report Section method |
1879 | OnPaintEmMacro | Form section property |
1880 | OnPaintMacro | Report method; Report Section method |
1881 | OnPivotTableChange | Form property |
1882 | OnPrint | Report Section property |
1883 | OnPrintEmMacro | Report section property |
1884 | OnPrintMacro | Report method; Report Section method |
1885 | OnQuery | Form property |
1886 | OnResize | Form property |
1887 | OnResizeEmMacro | Form property; Report property |
1888 | OnResizeMacro | Form Property; Report property |
1889 | OnRetreat | Report Section property |
1890 | OnRetreatEmMacro | Report section property |
1891 | OnRetreatMacro | Report method; Report Section method |
1892 | OnSelectionChange | Form property |
1893 | OnTimer | Form property |
1894 | OnTimerEmMacro | Form property; Report property |
1895 | OnTimerMacro | Form Property; Report property |
1896 | OnUndo | Form property |
1897 | OnUndoEmMacro | Form property |
1898 | OnUndoMacro | Form Property |
1899 | OnUnload | Form property |
1900 | OnUnloadEmMacro | Form property; Report property |
1901 | OnUnloadMacro | Form Property; Report property |
1902 | OnViewChange | Form property |
1903 | OPEN | JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) |
1904 | OpenAccessProject | Application Property |
1905 | OpenArgs | Form property; Report property |
1906 | OpenConnection | DAO global |
1907 | OpenCurrentDatabase | Application Property |
1908 | OpenCurrentDatabaseOld | Application Property |
1909 | OpenDatabase | DAO global |
1910 | OPENDATASOURCE | SQL Server reserved |
1911 | OPENQUERY | SQL Server reserved |
1912 | OpenRecordset | Access reserved (kb286335) |
1913 | OPENROWSET | SQL Server reserved |
1914 | OPENXML | SQL Server reserved |
1915 | OPERATION | Future SQL Server keyword (TSQL Ref in MSDN) |
1916 | OPTION | JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved |
1917 | OR | JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948) |
1918 | ORDER | JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948) |
1919 | OrderBy | Form property; Report property |
1920 | OrderByOn | Form property; Report property; Table property |
1921 | OrderByOnLoad | Form property |
1922 | ORDINALITY | Future SQL Server keyword (TSQL Ref in MSDN) |
1923 | OrdinalPosition | Field property |
1924 | Orientation | Form property; Report property; Table property |
1925 | OriginalValue | Field property |
1926 | OUT | Future SQL Server keyword (TSQL Ref in MSDN) |
1927 | OUTER | JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948) |
1928 | OUTPUT | JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948) |
1929 | OVER | SQL Server reserved |
1930 | OVERLAPS | JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) |
1931 | OWNERACCESS | JET reserved (kb248738) |
1932 | PAD | JET reserved (kb248738) |
1933 | Page | Report property |
1934 | PageFooter | Report property |
1935 | PageHeader | Report property |
1936 | Pages | Report property |
1937 | Paint | Report method; Report Section method |
1938 | Painting | Form property; Report property |
1939 | PaintPalette | Form property; Report property |
1940 | PaletteSource | Form property; Report property |
1941 | Parameter | Access reserved (kb286335) |
1942 | PARAMETERS | JET reserved (kb248738) |
1943 | Parent | Application Property |
1944 | PARTIAL | JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) |
1945 | Partition | VBA function |
1946 | PASCAL | ODBC (kb125948) |
1947 | PASSWORD | JET reserved (kb248738) |
1948 | PATH | Future SQL Server keyword (TSQL Ref in MSDN) |
1949 | PERCENT | JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved |
1950 | Picture | Form property; Report property |
1951 | PictureAlignment | Form property; Report property |
1952 | PictureData | Form property; Report property |
1953 | PicturePages | Report property |
1954 | PicturePalette | Form property; Report property |
1955 | PictureSizeMode | Form property; Report property |
1956 | PictureTiling | Form property; Report property |
1957 | PictureType | Form property; Report property |
1958 | PIVOT | JET reserved (kb248738) |
1959 | PivotTableChange | Form property |
1960 | PivotTableChangeEmMacro | Form property |
1961 | PivotTableChangeMacro | Form Property |
1962 | PlainText | Access method |
1963 | PLAN | SQL Server reserved |
1964 | PLI | ODBC (kb125948) |
1965 | PopUp | Form property; Report property |
1966 | POSITION | JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) |
1967 | POSTFIX | Future SQL Server keyword (TSQL Ref in MSDN) |
1968 | PPmt | VBA function |
1969 | PRECISION | JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948) |
1970 | PREFIX | Future SQL Server keyword (TSQL Ref in MSDN) |
1971 | PREORDER | Future SQL Server keyword (TSQL Ref in MSDN) |
1972 | PREPARE | JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) |
1973 | PRESERVE | JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) |
1974 | PRIMARY | JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948) |
1975 | Print | Report method;SQL Server reserved |
1976 | PrintCount | Report property |
1977 | Printer | Application Property |
1978 | Printers | Application Property |
1979 | PrintSection | Report property |
1980 | PRIOR | JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) |
1981 | PRIVILEGES | JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948) |
1982 | PROC | JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved |
1983 | PROCEDURE | JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948) |
1984 | ProductCode | Application Property |
1985 | Project | Access constant (hidden) |
1986 | Properties | Form collection; Report collection |
1987 | Property | Access reserved (kb286335) |
1988 | PrtDevMode | Form property; Report property |
1989 | PrtDevModeW | Form property; Report property |
1990 | PrtDevNames | Form property; Report property |
1991 | PrtDevNamesW | Form property; Report property |
1992 | PrtMip | Form property; Report property |
1993 | PSet | Report method |
1994 | PUBLIC | JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948) |
1995 | PublishToWeb | Table property |
1996 | PV | VBA function |
1997 | QBColor | VBA function |
1998 | Queries | Access reserved (kb286335) |
1999 | Query | Access reserved (kb286335) |
2000 | QueryEmMacro | Form property |
2001 | QueryMacro | Form Property |
2002 | Quit | Access reserved (kb286335) |
2003 | RAISERROR | SQL Server reserved |
2004 | Randomize | VBA function |
2005 | Rate | VBA function |
2006 | READ | JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) |
2007 | ReadOnlyWhenDisconnected | Table property |
2008 | READS | Future SQL Server keyword (TSQL Ref in MSDN) |
2009 | READTEXT | SQL Server reserved |
2010 | REAL | JET reserved (kb248738) |
2011 | Recalc | Access reserved (kb286335) |
2012 | RECONFIGURE | SQL Server reserved |
2013 | RecordCount | Table property |
2014 | RecordExit | Form method |
2015 | RecordLocks | Form property; Report property |
2016 | RecordsAffected | Query property |
2017 | RecordSelectors | Form property |
2018 | Recordset | Access reserved (kb286335) |
2019 | RecordsetClone | Form property |
2020 | RecordsetType | Form property |
2021 | RecordSource | Form property; Report property |
2022 | RecordSourceQualifier | Form property |
2023 | RECURSIVE | Future SQL Server keyword (TSQL Ref in MSDN) |
2024 | REF | Future SQL Server keyword (TSQL Ref in MSDN) |
2025 | REFERENCES | JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved |
2026 | REFERENCING | Future SQL Server keyword (TSQL Ref in MSDN) |
2027 | Refresh | Access reserved (kb286335) |
2028 | RefreshDatabaseWindow | Application Property |
2029 | RefreshLink | Access reserved (kb286335) |
2030 | RefreshTitleBar | Application Property |
2031 | RegisterDatabase | Access reserved (kb286335) |
2032 | Relation | Access reserved (kb286335) |
2033 | RELATIVE | JET reserved (kb248738);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) |
2034 | ReloadAddIns | Application Property |
2035 | Repaint | Access reserved (kb286335) |
2036 | RepairDatabase | Access reserved (kb286335) |
2037 | RepeatSection | Report Section property |
2038 | Replace | VBA function |
2039 | ReplaceModule | Application Property |
2040 | Replicable | DAO constant |
2041 | ReplicableBool | DAO constant |
2042 | ReplicaFilter | Table property |
2043 | REPLICATION | SQL Server reserved |
2044 | Report | Access reserved (kb286335) |
2045 | Report Definitions | Reserved for web databases |
2046 | Reports | Access reserved (kb286335) |
2047 | Requery | Access reserved (kb286335) |
2048 | Required | Field property |
2049 | Reset | VBA function |
2050 | Resize | Form method; Report method |
2051 | RESTORE | SQL Server reserved |
2052 | RESTRICT | JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) |
2053 | RESULT | Future SQL Server keyword (TSQL Ref in MSDN) |
2054 | ResultType | Field property |
2055 | ResyncCommand | Form property |
2056 | Retreat | Report method |
2057 | RETURN | SQL Server reserved |
2058 | RETURNS | Future SQL Server keyword (TSQL Ref in MSDN) |
2059 | ReturnsRecords | Query property |
2060 | ReturnVars | Application property |
2061 | REVOKE | JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948) |
2062 | RGB | VBA function |
2063 | RibbonName | Form property; Report property |
2064 | RIGHT | JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948) |
2065 | Right$ | VBA function |
2066 | RIGHT_BUTTON | Access constant (old) |
2067 | RightB | VBA function |
2068 | RightB$ | VBA function |
2069 | RmDir | VBA function |
2070 | Rnd | VBA function |
2071 | ROLE | Future SQL Server keyword (TSQL Ref in MSDN) |
2072 | ROLLBACK | JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948) |
2073 | RollbackTransaction | Form property |
2074 | RollbackTransactionEmMacro | Form property |
2075 | RollbackTransactionMacro | Form property |
2076 | ROLLUP | Future SQL Server keyword (TSQL Ref in MSDN) |
2077 | Round | VBA function |
2078 | ROUTINE | Future SQL Server keyword (TSQL Ref in MSDN) |
2079 | ROW | Future SQL Server keyword (TSQL Ref in MSDN) |
2080 | ROWCOUNT | SQL Server reserved |
2081 | ROWGUIDCOL | SQL Server reserved |
2082 | RowHeight | Form property |
2083 | ROWS | JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) |
2084 | RowSource | Field property |
2085 | RowSourceType | Field property |
2086 | RTrim | VBA function |
2087 | RTrim$ | VBA function |
2088 | RULE | SQL Server reserved |
2089 | Run | Application Property |
2090 | RunCommand | Application Property |
2091 | SAVE | SQL Server reserved |
2092 | SaveAsAXL | Application property |
2093 | SaveAsTemplate | Application property |
2094 | SaveAsText | Application Property |
2095 | SAVEPOINT | Future SQL Server keyword (TSQL Ref in MSDN) |
2096 | SaveSetting | VBA function |
2097 | SaveSplitterBarPosition | Form property |
2098 | Scale | Report method |
2099 | ScaleHeight | Report property |
2100 | ScaleLeft | Report property |
2101 | ScaleMode | Report property |
2102 | ScaleTop | Report property |
2103 | ScaleWidth | Report property |
2104 | SCHEMA | JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948) |
2105 | SCOPE | Future SQL Server keyword (TSQL Ref in MSDN) |
2106 | SCREEN | Access reserved (kb286335) |
2107 | SCROLL | JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) |
2108 | ScrollBars | Form property |
2109 | SEARCH | Future SQL Server keyword (TSQL Ref in MSDN) |
2110 | SECOND | JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948) |
2111 | SECTION | JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) |
2112 | Sections | Form collection; Report collection |
2113 | Seek | VBA function |
2114 | SeetDefaultWorkgroupFile | Application Property |
2115 | SELECT | JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948) |
2116 | SelectionChange | Form property |
2117 | SelectionChangeEmMacro | Form property |
2118 | SelectionChangeMacro | Form Property |
2119 | SELECTSCHEMA | JET reserved (kb248738) |
2120 | SELECTSECURITY | JET reserved (kb248738) |
2121 | SelHeight | Form property |
2122 | SelLeft | Form property |
2123 | SelTop | Form property |
2124 | SelWidth | Form property |
2125 | SendKeys | VBA function |
2126 | SEQUENCE | ODBC (kb125948) |
2127 | ServerFilter | Form property; Report property |
2128 | ServerFilterByForm | Form property |
2129 | SESSION | JET reserved (kb248738);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) |
2130 | SESSION_USER | JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) |
2131 | SET | JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948) |
2132 | SetAttr | VBA function |
2133 | SetDefaultWorkgroupFile | Application Property |
2134 | SetFocus | Access reserved (kb286335) |
2135 | SetHiddenAttribute | Application Property |
2136 | SetOption | Access reserved (kb286335) |
2137 | SETS | Future SQL Server keyword (TSQL Ref in MSDN) |
2138 | SetUndoRecording | Application Property |
2139 | SETUSER | SQL Server reserved |
2140 | Sgn | VBA function |
2141 | Shape | Report property |
2142 | Shell | VBA function |
2143 | SHIFT_MASK | Access constant (old) |
2144 | SHORT | JET reserved (kb248738) |
2145 | ShortcutMenu | Form property |
2146 | ShortcutMenuBar | Form property; Report property |
2147 | ShowDatePicker | Field property |
2148 | ShowGrid | Form property |
2149 | ShowOnlyRowSourceValues | Field property |
2150 | ShowPageMargins | Report property |
2151 | SHUTDOWN | SQL Server reserved |
2152 | Sin | VBA function |
2153 | SINGLE | JET reserved (kb248738) |
2154 | SIZE | JET reserved word; Field property;ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) |
2155 | SLN | VBA function |
2156 | SMALLINT | JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948) |
2157 | Solutions | Reserved for web databases |
2158 | SOME | JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948) |
2159 | SourceField | Field property |
2160 | SourceTable | Field property |
2161 | SourceTableName | Table property |
2162 | SPACE | JET reserved (kb248738) |
2163 | Space$ | VBA function |
2164 | SpecialEffect | Form Section property; Report Section property |
2165 | SPECIFIC | Future SQL Server keyword (TSQL Ref in MSDN) |
2166 | SPECIFICTYPE | Future SQL Server keyword (TSQL Ref in MSDN) |
2167 | Split | VBA function |
2168 | SplitFormDatasheet | Form property |
2169 | SplitFormOrientation | Form property |
2170 | SplitFormPrinting | Form property |
2171 | SplitFormSize | Form property |
2172 | SplitFormSplitterBar | Form property |
2173 | SplitFormSplitterBarSave | Form property |
2174 | SQL | JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) |
2175 | SQLCA | ODBC (kb125948) |
2176 | SQLCODE | JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) |
2177 | SQLERROR | JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) |
2178 | SQLEXCEPTION | Future SQL Server keyword (TSQL Ref in MSDN) |
2179 | SQLSTATE | JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) |
2180 | SQLWARNING | ODBC (kb125948) |
2181 | Sqr | VBA function |
2182 | StarColumnHidden | Table property; Query property |
2183 | START | Future SQL Server keyword (TSQL Ref in MSDN) |
2184 | STATE | Future SQL Server keyword (TSQL Ref in MSDN) |
2185 | STATEMENT | Future SQL Server keyword (TSQL Ref in MSDN) |
2186 | STATIC | Future SQL Server keyword (TSQL Ref in MSDN) |
2187 | STATISTICS | SQL Server reserved |
2188 | StDev | Access reserved (kb286335) |
2189 | StDevP | Access reserved (kb286335) |
2190 | StillExecuting | Query property |
2191 | Str | VBA function |
2192 | Str$ | VBA function |
2193 | StrComp | VBA function |
2194 | StrConv | VBA function |
2195 | STRING | JET reserved (kb248738) |
2196 | String$ | VBA function |
2197 | StringFromGUID | Application Property |
2198 | StrPtr | VBA function |
2199 | StrReverse | VBA function |
2200 | STRUCTURE | Future SQL Server keyword (TSQL Ref in MSDN) |
2201 | SubdatasheetExpanded | Form property |
2202 | SubdatasheetHeight | Form property |
2203 | SubdatasheetName | Table property |
2204 | SUBSTRING | JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) |
2205 | SUM | JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948) |
2206 | Switch | VBA function |
2207 | SYD | VBA function |
2208 | SysCmd | Application Property |
2209 | SYSCMD_ACCESSDIR | Access constant (old) |
2210 | SYSCMD_ACCESSVER | Access constant (old) |
2211 | SYSCMD_CLEARHELPTOPIC | Access constant (old) |
2212 | SYSCMD_CLEARSTATUS | Access constant (old) |
2213 | SYSCMD_GETOBJECTSTATE | Access constant (old) |
2214 | SYSCMD_INIFILE | Access constant (old) |
2215 | SYSCMD_INITMETER | Access constant (old) |
2216 | SYSCMD_REMOVEMETER | Access constant (old) |
2217 | SYSCMD_RUNTIME | Access constant (old) |
2218 | SYSCMD_SETSTATUS | Access constant (old) |
2219 | SYSCMD_UPATEMETER | Access constant (old) |
2220 | SYSTEM | ODBC (kb125948) |
2221 | SYSTEM_USER | JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) |
2222 | SystemDB | DAO global |
2223 | TABLE | JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948) |
2224 | TableDef | Access reserved (kb286335) |
2225 | TableDefs | Access reserved (kb286335) |
2226 | TABLEID | JET reserved (kb248738) |
2227 | TabularCharSet | Form property |
2228 | TabularFamily | Form property |
2229 | Tag | Form property; Form Section property; Report property; Report Section property |
2230 | Tan | VBA function |
2231 | TEMPORARY | JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) |
2232 | TempVars | Application Property |
2233 | TERMINATE | Future SQL Server keyword (TSQL Ref in MSDN) |
2234 | TEXT | JET reserved (kb248738) |
2235 | TextAlign | Field property |
2236 | TextFormat | Field property |
2237 | TextHeight | Report property |
2238 | TEXTSIZE | SQL Server reserved |
2239 | TextWidth | Report property |
2240 | THAN | Future SQL Server keyword (TSQL Ref in MSDN) |
2241 | ThemeFontIndex | Form property; Report property; Table property |
2242 | ThemeName | Form property; Report property |
2243 | THEN | JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) |
2244 | TIME | JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948) |
2245 | Time$ | VBA property |
2246 | Timer | Form method |
2247 | TimerInterval | Form property |
2248 | TimeSerial | VBA function |
2249 | TIMESTAMP | JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948) |
2250 | TimeValue | VBA function |
2251 | TIMEZONE_HOUR | JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) |
2252 | TIMEZONE_MINUTE | JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) |
2253 | TO | JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948) |
2254 | Toolbar | Form property; Report property |
2255 | TOP | JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved |
2256 | TotalsRow | Table property; Query property |
2257 | TRAILING | JET reserved (kb248738);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) |
2258 | TRAN | SQL Server reserved |
2259 | TRANSACTION | JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) |
2260 | TRANSFORM | JET reserved (kb248738) |
2261 | TransformXML | Application Property |
2262 | TRANSLATE | JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) |
2263 | TRANSLATION | JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) |
2264 | TREAT | Future SQL Server keyword (TSQL Ref in MSDN) |
2265 | TRIGGER | SQL Server reserved |
2266 | TRIM | JET reserved (kb248738) |
2267 | Trim$ | VBA function |
2268 | TRUE | JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948) |
2269 | TRUNCATE | SQL Server reserved |
2270 | TSEQUAL | SQL Server reserved |
2271 | Type | Field property |
2272 | TypeLib | Access constant (hidden) |
2273 | TypeName | VBA function |
2274 | UCase | VBA function |
2275 | UCase$ | VBA function |
2276 | UNDER | Future SQL Server keyword (TSQL Ref in MSDN) |
2277 | Undo | Form method |
2278 | UndoBatchEdit | Form property |
2279 | UndoBatchEditEmMacro | Form property |
2280 | UndoBatchEditMacro | Form property |
2281 | UnicodeCompression | Field property |
2282 | UNION | JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948) |
2283 | UNIQUE | JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) |
2284 | UNIQUEIDENTIFIER | JET reserved (kb248738) |
2285 | UniqueTable | Form property; Report property |
2286 | UNKNOWN | JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) |
2287 | Unload | Form method;Report method |
2288 | UNNEST | Future SQL Server keyword (TSQL Ref in MSDN) |
2289 | Updatable | Table property |
2290 | UPDATE | JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948) |
2291 | UPDATEIDENTITY | JET reserved (kb248738) |
2292 | UPDATEOWNER | JET reserved (kb248738) |
2293 | UPDATESECURITY | JET reserved (kb248738) |
2294 | UPDATETEXT | SQL Server reserved |
2295 | UPPER | JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) |
2296 | USAGE | JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) |
2297 | USE | SQL Server reserved |
2298 | UseDefaultPaperSize | Form property |
2299 | UseDefaultPrinter | Form property; Report property |
2300 | USER | JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948) |
2301 | UserControl | Application Property |
2302 | USING | JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) |
2303 | V_CURRENCY | Access constant (old) |
2304 | V_DATE | Access constant (old) |
2305 | V_DOUBLE | Access constant (old) |
2306 | V_EMPTY | Access constant (old) |
2307 | V_INTEGER | Access constant (old) |
2308 | V_LONG | Access constant (old) |
2309 | V_NULL | Access constant (old) |
2310 | V_SINGLE | Access constant (old) |
2311 | V_STRING | Access constant (old) |
2312 | V1xNullBehavior | DAO constant |
2313 | Val | VBA function |
2314 | ValidateOnSet | Field property |
2315 | ValidationRule | Table property; Field property |
2316 | ValidationText | Table property; Field property |
2317 | VALUE | JET reserved word; Field property;ODBC (kb125948) |
2318 | VALUES | JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948) |
2319 | Var | Access reserved (kb286335) |
2320 | VARBINARY | JET reserved (kb248738) |
2321 | VARCHAR | JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948) |
2322 | VARIABLE | Future SQL Server keyword (TSQL Ref in MSDN) |
2323 | VarP | Access reserved (kb286335) |
2324 | VarPtr | VBA function |
2325 | VarType | VBA function |
2326 | VARYING | JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948) |
2327 | vb3DDKShadow | VB constant |
2328 | vb3DFace | VB constant |
2329 | vb3DHighlight | VB constant |
2330 | vb3DLight | VB constant |
2331 | vb3DShadow | VB constant |
2332 | vbAbort | VB constant |
2333 | vbAbortRetryIgnore | VB constant |
2334 | vbActiveBorder | VB constant |
2335 | vbActiveTitleBar | VB constant |
2336 | vbAlias | VB constant |
2337 | vbApplicationModal | VB constant |
2338 | vbApplicationWorkspace | VB constant |
2339 | vbAppTaskManager | VB constant |
2340 | vbAppWindows | VB constant |
2341 | vbArchive | VB constant |
2342 | vbArray | VBA constant |
2343 | vbBack | VB constant |
2344 | vbBinaryCompare | VB constant |
2345 | vbBlack | VB constant |
2346 | vbBlue | VB constant |
2347 | vbBoolean | VBA constant |
2348 | vbButtonFace | VB constant |
2349 | vbButtonShadow | VB constant |
2350 | vbButtonText | VB constant |
2351 | vbByte | VBA constant |
2352 | vbCalGreg | VB constant |
2353 | vbCalHijri | VB constant |
2354 | vbCancel | VB constant |
2355 | vbCr | VB constant |
2356 | vbCritical | VB constant |
2357 | vbCrLf | VB constant |
2358 | vbCurrency | VBA constant |
2359 | vbCyan | VB constant |
2360 | vbDatabaseCompare | VB constant |
2361 | vbDataObject | VBA constant |
2362 | vbDate | VBA constant |
2363 | vbDecimal | VBA constant |
2364 | vbDefaultButton1 | VB constant |
2365 | vbDefaultButton2 | VB constant |
2366 | vbDefaultButton3 | VB constant |
2367 | vbDefaultButton4 | VB constant |
2368 | vbDesktop | VB constant |
2369 | vbDirectory | VB constant |
2370 | vbDouble | VBA constant |
2371 | VBE | Application Property |
2372 | vbEmpty | VBA constant |
2373 | vbError | VBA constant |
2374 | vbExclamation | VB constant |
2375 | vbFalse | VB constant |
2376 | vbFirstFourDays | VB constant |
2377 | vbFirstFullWeek | VB constant |
2378 | vbFirstJan1 | VB constant |
2379 | vbFormCode | VB constant |
2380 | vbFormControlMenu | VB constant |
2381 | vbFormFeed | VB constant |
2382 | vbFormMDIForm | VB constant |
2383 | vbFriday | VB constant |
2384 | vbFromUnicode | VB constant |
2385 | vbGeneralDate | VB constant |
2386 | VbGet | VB constant |
2387 | vbGrayText | VB constant |
2388 | vbGreen | VB constant |
2389 | vbHidden | VB constant |
2390 | vbHide | VB constant |
2391 | vbHighlight | VB constant |
2392 | vbHighlightText | VB constant |
2393 | vbHiragana | VB constant |
2394 | vbIgnore | VB constant |
2395 | vbIMEAlphaDbl | VB constant |
2396 | vbIMEAlphaSng | VB constant |
2397 | vbIMEDisable | VB constant |
2398 | vbIMEHiragana | VB constant |
2399 | vbIMEKatakanaDbl | VB constant |
2400 | vbIMEKatakanaSng | VB constant |
2401 | vbIMEModeAlpha | VB constant |
2402 | vbIMEModeAlphaFull | VB constant |
2403 | vbIMEModeDisable | VB constant |
2404 | vbIMEModeHangul | VB constant |
2405 | vbIMEModeHangulFull | VB constant |
2406 | vbIMEModeHiragana | VB constant |
2407 | vbIMEModeKatakana | VB constant |
2408 | vbIMEModeKatakanaHalf | VB constant |
2409 | vbIMEModeNoControl | VB constant |
2410 | vbIMEModeOff | VB constant |
2411 | vbIMEModeOn | VB constant |
2412 | vbIMENoOp | VB constant |
2413 | vbIMEOff | VB constant |
2414 | vbIMEOn | VB constant |
2415 | vbInactiveBorder | VB constant |
2416 | vbInactiveCaptionText | VB constant |
2417 | vbInactiveTitleBar | VB constant |
2418 | vbInfoBackground | VB constant |
2419 | vbInformation | VB constant |
2420 | vbInfoText | VB constant |
2421 | vbInteger | VBA constant |
2422 | vbKatakana | VB constant |
2423 | vbKey0 | VB constant |
2424 | vbKey1 | VB constant |
2425 | vbKey2 | VB constant |
2426 | vbKey3 | VB constant |
2427 | vbKey4 | VB constant |
2428 | vbKey5 | VB constant |
2429 | vbKey6 | VB constant |
2430 | vbKey7 | VB constant |
2431 | vbKey8 | VB constant |
2432 | vbKey9 | VB constant |
2433 | vbKeyA | VB constant |
2434 | vbKeyAdd | VB constant |
2435 | vbKeyB | VB constant |
2436 | vbKeyBack | VB constant |
2437 | vbKeyC | VB constant |
2438 | vbKeyCancel | VB constant |
2439 | vbKeyCapital | VB constant |
2440 | vbKeyClear | VB constant |
2441 | vbKeyControl | VB constant |
2442 | vbKeyD | VB constant |
2443 | vbKeyDecimal | VB constant |
2444 | vbKeyDelete | VB constant |
2445 | vbKeyDivide | VB constant |
2446 | vbKeyDown | VB constant |
2447 | vbKeyE | VB constant |
2448 | vbKeyEnd | VB constant |
2449 | vbKeyEscape | VB constant |
2450 | vbKeyExecute | VB constant |
2451 | vbKeyF | VB constant |
2452 | vbKeyF1 | VB constant |
2453 | vbKeyF10 | VB constant |
2454 | vbKeyF11 | VB constant |
2455 | vbKeyF12 | VB constant |
2456 | vbKeyF13 | VB constant |
2457 | vbKeyF14 | VB constant |
2458 | vbKeyF15 | VB constant |
2459 | vbKeyF16 | VB constant |
2460 | vbKeyF2 | VB constant |
2461 | vbKeyF3 | VB constant |
2462 | vbKeyF4 | VB constant |
2463 | vbKeyF5 | VB constant |
2464 | vbKeyF6 | VB constant |
2465 | vbKeyF7 | VB constant |
2466 | vbKeyF8 | VB constant |
2467 | vbKeyF9 | VB constant |
2468 | vbKeyG | VB constant |
2469 | vbKeyH | VB constant |
2470 | vbKeyHelp | VB constant |
2471 | vbKeyHome | VB constant |
2472 | vbKeyI | VB constant |
2473 | vbKeyInsert | VB constant |
2474 | vbKeyJ | VB constant |
2475 | vbKeyL | VB constant |
2476 | vbKeyLButton | VB constant |
2477 | vbKeyM | VB constant |
2478 | vbKeyMButton | VB constant |
2479 | vbKeyMenu | VB constant |
2480 | vbKeyMultiply | VB constant |
2481 | vbKeyN | VB constant |
2482 | vbKeyNumlock | VB constant |
2483 | vbKeyNumpad0 | VB constant |
2484 | vbKeyNumpad1 | VB constant |
2485 | vbKeyNumpad2 | VB constant |
2486 | vbKeyNumpad3 | VB constant |
2487 | vbKeyNumpad4 | VB constant |
2488 | vbKeyNumpad5 | VB constant |
2489 | vbKeyNumpad6 | VB constant |
2490 | vbKeyNumpad7 | VB constant |
2491 | vbKeyNumpad8 | VB constant |
2492 | vbKeyNumpad9 | VB constant |
2493 | vbKeyO | VB constant |
2494 | vbKeyp | VB constant |
2495 | vbKeyPageDown | VB constant |
2496 | vbKeyPageUp | VB constant |
2497 | vbKeyPause | VB constant |
2498 | vbKeyPrint | VB constant |
2499 | vbKeyQ | VB constant |
2500 | vbKeyR | VB constant |
2501 | vbKeyRButton | VB constant |
2502 | vbKeyReturn | VB constant |
2503 | vbKeyRight | VB constant |
2504 | vbKeyS | VB constant |
2505 | vbKeySelect | VB constant |
2506 | vbKeySeparator | VB constant |
2507 | vbKeyShift | VB constant |
2508 | vbKeySnapshot | VB constant |
2509 | vbKeySpace | VB constant |
2510 | vbKeySubtract | VB constant |
2511 | vbKeyT | VB constant |
2512 | vbKeyTab | VB constant |
2513 | vbKeyU | VB constant |
2514 | vbKeyUp | VB constant |
2515 | vbKeyV | VB constant |
2516 | vbKeyW | VB constant |
2517 | vbKeyX | VB constant |
2518 | vbKeyY | VB constant |
2519 | vbKeyZ | VB constant |
2520 | VbLet | VB constant |
2521 | vbLf | VB constant |
2522 | vbLong | VBA constant |
2523 | vbLongDate | VB constant |
2524 | vbLongTime | VB constant |
2525 | vbLowerCase | VB constant |
2526 | vbMagenta | VB constant |
2527 | vbMaximizedFocus | VB constant |
2528 | vbMenuBar | VB constant |
2529 | vbMenuText | VB constant |
2530 | VbMethod | VB constant |
2531 | vbMinimizedFocus | VB constant |
2532 | vbMinimizedNoFocus | VB constant |
2533 | vbModal | VB constant |
2534 | vbModeless | VB constant |
2535 | vbMonday | VB constant |
2536 | vbMsgBox | VB constant |
2537 | vbMsgBoxHelpButton | VB constant |
2538 | vbMsgBoxRight | VB constant |
2539 | vbMsgBoxRtlReading | VB constant |
2540 | vbMsgBoxSetForeground | VB constant |
2541 | vbMsgBoxText | VB constant |
2542 | vbNarrow | VB constant |
2543 | vbNewLine | VB constant |
2544 | vbNo | VB constant |
2545 | vbNormal | VB constant |
2546 | vbNormalFocus | VB constant |
2547 | vbNormalNoFocus | VB constant |
2548 | vbNull | VBA constant |
2549 | vbNullChar | VB constant |
2550 | vbNullString | VB constant |
2551 | vbObject | VBA constant |
2552 | vbObjectError | VB constant |
2553 | vbOk | VB constant |
2554 | vbOkCancel | VB constant |
2555 | vbOkOnly | VB constant |
2556 | vbProperCase | VB constant |
2557 | vbQuestion | VB constant |
2558 | vbReadOnly | VB constant |
2559 | vbRed | VB constant |
2560 | vbRetry | VB constant |
2561 | vbRetryCancel | VB constant |
2562 | vbSaturday | VB constant |
2563 | vbScrollBars | VB constant |
2564 | VbSet | VB constant |
2565 | vbShortDate | VB constant |
2566 | vbShortTime | VB constant |
2567 | vbSingle | VBA constant |
2568 | vbString | VBA constant |
2569 | vbSunday | VB constant |
2570 | vbSystem | VB constant |
2571 | vbSystemModal | VB constant |
2572 | vbTab | VB constant |
2573 | vbTextCompare | VB constant |
2574 | vbThursday | VB constant |
2575 | vbTitleBarText | VB constant |
2576 | vbTrue | VB constant |
2577 | vbTuesday | VB constant |
2578 | vbUnicode | VB constant |
2579 | vbUpperCase | VB constant |
2580 | vbUseDefault | VB constant |
2581 | vbUserDefinedType | VBA constant |
2582 | vbUseSystem | VB constant |
2583 | vbUseSystemDayOfWeek | VB constant |
2584 | vbVariant | VBA constant |
2585 | vbVerticalTab | VB constant |
2586 | vbVolume | VB constant |
2587 | vbWednesday | VB constant |
2588 | vbWhite | VB constant |
2589 | vbWide | VB constant |
2590 | vbWindowBackground | VB constant |
2591 | vbWindowFrame | VB constant |
2592 | vbWindowText | VB constant |
2593 | vbYellow | VB constant |
2594 | vbYes | VB constant |
2595 | vbYesNo | VB constant |
2596 | vbYesNoCancel | VB constant |
2597 | Version | Application Property |
2598 | VerticalDatasheetGridlineStyle | Form property |
2599 | VGXFrameInterval | Application Property |
2600 | VIEW | JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948) |
2601 | ViewChange | Form property |
2602 | ViewChangeEmMacro | Form property |
2603 | ViewChangeMacro | Form Property |
2604 | ViewsAllowed | Form property |
2605 | Visible | Form property; Form Section property; Report property; Report Section property |
2606 | VisibleValue | Field property |
2607 | WAITFOR | SQL Server reserved |
2608 | WaitForPostProcessing | Form property |
2609 | WebParts | Reserved for web databases |
2610 | Webs | Reserved for web databases |
2611 | WebServices | Application property |
2612 | Weekday | VBA function |
2613 | WeekdayName | VBA function |
2614 | WFTemp | Reserved for web databases |
2615 | WhatsThisButton | Form property |
2616 | WHEN | JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) |
2617 | WHENEVER | JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) |
2618 | WHERE | JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948) |
2619 | WHILE | SQL Server reserved |
2620 | Width | Form property; Report property |
2621 | WillContinue | Form Section property; Report Section property |
2622 | WindowHeight | Form property; Report property |
2623 | WindowLeft | Form property; Report property |
2624 | WindowTop | Form property; Report property |
2625 | WindowWidth | Form property; Report property |
2626 | WITH | JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948) |
2627 | WITHOUT | Future SQL Server keyword (TSQL Ref in MSDN) |
2628 | WizHook | Application Property |
2629 | WORK | JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948) |
2630 | Workflow | Reserved for web databases |
2631 | Workspace | Access reserved (kb286335) |
2632 | Workspaces | DAO global |
2633 | WRITE | JET reserved (kb248738);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) |
2634 | WRITETEXT | SQL Server reserved |
2635 | WSSTemplateID | Table property |
2636 | Xor | Access reserved (kb286335) |
2637 | YEAR | JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948) |
2638 | YES | Access reserved (kb286335) |
2639 | YESNO | JET reserved (kb248738) |
2640 | ZONE | JET reserved (kb248738);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) |
2641 | ZoomControl | Report property |