Microsoft Access Tips for Serious Users

Provided by Allen Browne, August 2006.  Updated September 2007.

Extended DCount()

The built-in function - DCount() - cannot count the number of distinct values. The domain aggregate functions in Access are also quite inefficient.

ECount() offers an extra argument so you can count distinct values. The other arguments are the same as DCount().

Using ECount()

Paste the code below into a standard module. To verify Access understands it, choose Compile from the Debug menu (in the code window.) In Access 2000 or 2002, you may need to add a reference to the DAO library.

You can then use the function anywhere you can use DCount(), such as in the Control Source of a text box on a form or report.

Use square brackets around your field/table name if it contains a space or other strange character, or starts with a number.


These examples show how you could use ECount() in the Immediate Window (Ctrl+G) in the Northwind database:

Expression Meaning
? ECount("*", "Customers") Number of customers.
? ECount("Fax", "Customers") Number of customers who have a fax number.
? ECount("*", "Customers", "Country = 'Spain'") Number of customers from Spain.
? ECount("City", "Customers", "Country = 'Spain'", True) Number of Spanish cities where we have customers.
? ECount("Region", "Customers") Number of customers who have a region.
? ECount("Region", "Customers", ,True) Number of distinct regions
? ECount("*", "Customers", "Region Is Null") Number of customers who have no region.

You cannot embed a reference to a form in the arguments. For example, this will not work:
    ? ECount("*", "Customers", "City = Forms!Customers!City")
Instead, concatenate the value into the string:
    ? ECount("*", "Customers", "City = """ & Forms!Customers!City & """")
If you need help with the quotes, see Quotation marks within quotes.

The code

Public Function ECount(Expr As String, Domain As String, Optional Criteria As String, Optional bCountDistinct As Boolean) As Variant
On Error GoTo Err_Handler
    'Purpose:   Enhanced DCount() function, with the ability to count distinct.
    'Return:    Number of records. Null on error.
    'Arguments: Expr           = name of the field to count. Use square brackets if the name contains a space.
    '           Domain         = name of the table or query.
    '           Criteria       = any restrictions. Can omit.
    '           bCountDistinct = True to return the number of distinct values in the field. Omit for normal count.
    'Notes:     Nulls are excluded (whether distinct count or not.)
    '           Use "*" for Expr if you want to count the nulls too.
    '           You cannot use "*" if bCountDistinct is True.
    'Examples:  Number of customers who have a region: ECount("Region", "Customers")
    '           Number of customers who have no region: ECount("*", "Customers", "Region Is Null")
    '           Number of distinct regions: ECount("Region", "Customers", ,True)
    Dim db As DAO.Database
    Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
    Dim strSql As String

    'Initialize to return Null on error.
    ECount = Null
    Set db = DBEngine(0)(0)

    If bCountDistinct Then
        'Count distinct values.
        If Expr <> "*" Then             'Cannot count distinct with the wildcard.
            strSql = "SELECT " & Expr & " FROM " & Domain & " WHERE (" & Expr & " Is Not Null)"
            If Criteria <> vbNullString Then
                strSql = strSql & " AND (" & Criteria & ")"
            End If
            strSql = strSql & " GROUP BY " & Expr & ";"
            Set rs = db.OpenRecordset(strSql)
            If rs.RecordCount > 0& Then
            End If
            ECount = rs.RecordCount     'Return the number of distinct records.
        End If
        'Normal count.
        strSql = "SELECT Count(" & Expr & ") AS TheCount FROM " & Domain
        If Criteria <> vbNullString Then
            strSql = strSql & " WHERE " & Criteria
        End If
        Set rs = db.OpenRecordset(strSql)
        If rs.RecordCount > 0& Then
            ECount = rs!TheCount        'Return the count.
        End If
    End If

    Set rs = Nothing
    Set db = Nothing
    Exit Function

    MsgBox Err.Description, vbExclamation, "ECount Error " & Err.Number
    Resume Exit_Handler
End Function


The code builds a query statement that retrieves the records from the domain, limited to the criteria.

If you ask for a distinct count, it excludes nulls, groups by the expression, and returns the record count. If you did not ask for a distinct count, the recordset contains only the one record which gives the count.

Like DCount(), it returns the count of all records if you use the wildcard. If you specify a field name it returns the count of records that have something in this field (i.e. non-null.) If you want to include nulls, using "*" as the first argument will be more efficient.

Using the wildcard and asking for a distinct count makes no sense, so the function returns Null. It also returns Null if an error occurs, e.g. if you use a field name that does not exist.

Nulls are also excluded when you ask for a distinct count. This is consistent with the non-distinct count, and avoids the bug where Access handles DISTINCT inconsistently, depending on whether the field is indexed or not.

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